This is my opinion, and as my opinion I do not recommend reading it. The author presents us a MC who at the beginning is super excited about everything, which is good, understandable to a certain extent, and you can see that you can calm down how to think things through in a short time, which shows that he is smart and cunning, also a good actor to fool All Might and keep his composure. Then he begins to decline because he relates too much to Izuku without reason, even he doesn't think about it himself, he treats him like a brother after knowing him for a few weeks and wants to help him improve (The author makes an obviously forced move to give him a lot of strength and in much less time than the original), we are never told why, he just does it. Let's go now to when they do the Kosei tests, the author makes again his forced movement to make Aizawa very dumb and leave the MC as if he was super good and all that shit, which is already a little bit meaningless and unnecessary, but he does it, creating a lot of very cliché scenes that have no sense for the story, but it's only to make the MC look as if he was so smart and super good at choosing words. Then we have the thing of the attack to UA by Shigaraki, all that feels very forced in general in those parts, but I don't have much to comment about that because it's not relevant and I don't dislike it so much, except the part where the previous owners of the OFA know everything about the MC, that was really shitty. We have the part where he regrets everything about the fucking nothing literally, he tries to return the OFA to Izuku and does so much shit for it for no reason too, it's all so fucking forced and stupid that slowly the image of the smart, crafty MC, etc, will be forgotten, but he recovers a little bit by having that idea of rewinding his coals and having 2 OFA, still he falls back because out of nowhere he has to take care of a girl for no reason, probably because the author is one of those who likes Eri or feels sad for her. I think it would have been much better to have inherited the OFA from Izuku, then take it back, and make those Izuku embers become the OFA, that way they both have it but the MC has an even more powerful version, now Izuku has the more powerful version. Anyway, then the story starts to get filled with unnecessary fillers, and the reading became not only irritating, but boring, especially with the shit that everything changed in the tournament and now it will have to have a lot of allies. And to finish, I don't recommend reading it personally, although I quite like the way the author writes, but only that, as he does the story is of my total displeasure.
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