
Review Detail of KarmaKalo in The Mysterious Black Magician

Review detail


I'm giving it a 4 star not because at this current time I think it's deserved but because of the potential I feel like the story might have and how initially I was pumped to read it. What aggravates me about this story is the fact that 60 chapters in and he's still extremely weak as hell. Not only is he weak though but for someone making fun of him he wants to have them killed. I can understand wanting to get revenge but getting revenge when you're pitifully weak just screams stupid. Not only that but he acts pretty arrogant rather than confident from how he comes across. I also think his growth potential with his physical stats should be a lot more dramatic seeing as he has a healing ability. He should be able to enhance his stats a lot by exercising till exhaustion, eating a lot of food and then healing the damage to build stronger but he is not taking advantage of this much from what I've read.Just in the recent chapter he faints from training but he should be at a higher level of fitness just with his exercise from before and healing. I enjoy a fair bit of this novel in terms of setting, system and the magic idea in general but I can not support characters who don't think straight. The story seems to be picking up right now so that's good and hopefully this review becomes 5 stars when it does get better. Overall it's pretty good but has a lot greater potential in my opinion


The Mysterious Black Magician


Liked by 8 people






training heal training heal because op body


A historia não avança, 60 cap sendo lixo, que tipo de história é essa? Pode ter o potencial que for, a realidade só fala q foi um começo péssimo