
Review Detail of Aoalbjorn in A Martial God's Bloodline

Review detail


This review is based on synopsis only. Because I feel like i didn't need to read any further. MC was shunned by the clan.? Now instead of getting his relation severed from the clan, he wants to prove his worth to the clan? Just leave the clan that wants to kill him. it's merciful enough that he doesn't kill every elder in the clan. I m tired of dumb MC that sticks to his clan when clan does not only give him benefits but also endanger his life. Now that you you have a cheat get out of the clan and cultivate somewhere in peace for gods sake. If you wanna prove or what not then do that after you became strong. Staying like a stubborn kid in the clan wont make anythign good in reality.


A Martial God's Bloodline


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Should have read some then, he's still got the compulsion of his body's previous memories and soul to try and earn recognition by his clan. It's not that the MC really wants to waste time on such people but the lingering connections his body has for them is compelling him to do so.