Shamelessly promoting my fanfic. Btw, in case your confused, the players in the fanfic are basically Super soldiers, I got inspired by GTA V, Overlord, CF, RvB, and RWBY. So I thought... why not fuse them? I will also put a lot of pov on the Rwby cast and Remnant inhabitants. I will make a good reaction from them. what they thought about the players and bloody war. In players, their war is equivalent of hundred thousands of death which only record it as a cluster**** While in Remnant, they will record their fight as a bloody history of barbaric human scums ( Ps : in Remnant, Thousands is already big to them considering their population. ) Take note that they will be spawned in their city which is named as... SAN Andreas. ( Not orginal I know but I'll change it later ) It size up to 1,000,000 Acres. ( I know its big but do you guys how many players are playing? ) The City willbe place randomly, Alerting the 4 kingdoms and list san Andreas as a "Nation" ( obviously the king/president is the Game master ) ALSO they are not aware of each other. Remnant will never know that they were thought as NPC ( M rated but npc nonetheless ) And players will never know that they killed innocents, except the government, they knew.
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