
Review Detail of Crater in 48 Hours a Day

Review detail


Even though the story at first seems quite interesting, the lack of any coherent plot or character motivation harms this story quite badly. When the main character first gets his power the author chooses to simply time skip all the parts where the main character figures out how it works and instead just gives us a two sentence description. This is an ongoing issue with the novel, unlike other chinese novels where the author repeats the same thing 10 times in a chapter, this author chooses to just ignore tons of major issues that would have let him develop his world and characters more. The lack of a plot is no big deal because from the looks of it we just have yet to get to that part in the 60 chapters so I can over look that part for now, but now I will complain about some more detailed parts of the story, minor spoilers ahead. The first game the MC is thrown into is surviving on a deserted island for a year and a half, mostly by himself. At first he has an NPC to teach him the basics of survival, but shortly after he dies and the MC is on his own. The entire team the author simply skims through what happens, ignoring all of the difficulties the MC has to deal with such as how he managed to build all of the things he has, or the MAJOR fact he is ALONE for a YEAR AND A HALF. No, instead the author spends the entire novel time skipping past all the "boring" stuff choosing instead to only show the "fun and interesting" combat scenarios. The deserted island can be summed up into a few sentences, - I learned how to build a fully self sufficient plot of land on a deserted island during the time skip. Detailed combat description. I spent the rest of the time living on the island with no difficulties~ - Once he returns to the real world you still know next to nothing about the main character, nothing about his motivations, his goals, how the island affected him (which besides learning new skills, it didn't at all). Instead it skips to the next game and does the same thing, skips past all the world building, all the character development gets thrown out the window, story is still non existent, but we get detailed combat scenarios, wow so great! Thats not to say the other characters are as flat as the main character, some of them are great, its just the main character is flat and boring. TL;DR The main character is flat and boring, lacks motivation, doesn't even care about what is going on. There is no character development for the main character, and any memorable side characters are quickly forgotten. The story is non existent so far besides the mystery of what is going on, but the main character completely ignores that mystery anyway. Interesting premise, terrible execution.


48 Hours a Day

Little Bleary Zhao

Liked by 11 people




I don't entirely agree but you make a valid point. Good critique.


Some spoilers ahead... It is true that the MC is quite flat, it takes around 300 chapters to fall in love with him (skipping the 158 chapters of the pirate ark). The thing is that his unemotional behavior has to do with him being some kind of monster (my guess is that he is a Kratos-like god-killing machine), it becomes part of him and something that at least I thoroughly enjoy. My point is that his flat behavior isn't something to discard him as a good character, I compare him to the before-wife John Wick as MC becomes a player to be feared and respected, whose main skills are his focus and determination.