Their were a bunch of reviews saying that this story is dropped, and today webnovel deleted those reviews to go from 2.4 to a 4.4 rating. Terrible
Liked by 14 people
LIKEHow would you fix people abusing the review system without deleting the 0 chapters 1 star reviews that are not complaining about the content of the book but about: webnovel/this story not being Plague doctor/percieved injustice towards a story they like more/people saying its a conspiracy. Cause as a user I expect them to delete unrelated trash talk that does not help me in understanding if I like the story or not. Sure they could delete positive reviews as well, but at that point they could just reset the reviews and watch the 1 star squad return telling everyone how this story should be avoided at all cost... and the fact it was in the 4 rating range before the hating begun is conviniently ignored and fingers are pointed at the bombed score as if it was not a bombed score from all the hate reviews....They are damned if they do damned if they don't so I guess just need to wait for people to forget about this and find something else to hate.
While I'm against deleting valid reviews, I highly doubt they have the personnel to check reviews one by one and delete them appropriately. I would just assume they deleted all one star reviews in a certain time frame or something. The removal of valid reviews was just the consequence of other people abusing the rating system. The main reason the rating dropped to below 3 stars is because of the spammed one star reviews that mostly had nothing to do with the book's contents. It wouldn't make sense to let them remain, and like i said, its very likely that they just don't have the people to specifically handle reviews
addokin:They weren't all gibberish one star reviews, quite a few actual one star reviws were deleted