At first, this novel has an interesting concept. Thus, I read all the way to 500 plus chapters(after reading here, I go find the raw site and read further). However, because this is an interesting concept, it is very hard to maintain quality. After reading past 500 plus chapters, the storyline is getting old. MC still tries his hardest to lose money in the company but almost always fails. I see a huge flaw in this novel. If MC really wants to lose money so badly, all he has to do is develop his product poorly(barely pass the standard of the system), then put the rest of his money in the promotion of the product. This way, when consumer sees the product advertisement and try it then found out the product sucks, then they will most likely blacklist MC product in the future. Thus, MC will always lose money. Instead, in this novel, MC put a lot of money in product development which ends up having a good quality product, and then he hopes that no one will find it. This kind of thinking of MC causes him to fail every time (it is enjoyable to read this kinda thing at the beginning, but then it's getting old when this kind of situation keeps on repeating itself throughout 500 plus chapters). That is a major flaw, it is very hard to keep this storyline interesting with this kind of concept without making the reader feeling bored because the storyline repeats itself over and over again. Because even I can see how to let MC lost money every time (and I'm not in the gaming or entertainment industry). As said, all he has to do is produce barely passable product(in order to pass the system requirement), then put all his money into advertising the product, it is more likely that his product will have a bad review and lost money as a result. Sum it up, a very interesting idea for this novel, but it is hard to keep the storyline interesting.
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LIKEHe did not put minimal effort into the games. The first game, yes. But after that, a lot of investment went into the development of the games and try to keep quiet about it(in hope that no one will notice the game). That was the pattern of his way of doing things throughout 500 plus chapters. Only the first game fit what you have said, after that, it was as what I have said.