
Review Detail of Megmaconqueror in Abyssal Lord of the Magi World

Review detail


The synopsis gives the impression of something like Emperor's domination, which is what got me interested along with the title. As I read, the story turned into more of a combination of ED and Warlock in a Magus World. Both of which I love, so my interest increased, as well as my expectations. And so far it hasn't disappointed. There are common grammar errors, or improper words, but that was to be expected as the author indicates that English isn't their first language. And it isn't hard to understand what the intent of those grammar errors or improper words. There was some doubt about certain actions that were taken versus previous actions, but was cleared up by the author. This caused me to have a better impression of not only the work but also the author. Our MC is the spitting image of ED'S and later versions of WiaMW's. The normal plot armor you've seen in many novels is really well covered here. Just like in ED, at lot of it was placed/created by the MC. So far there was very few "bouts of good fortune" with the only one in 80ish chapters being the awaking of his true name. But even this isn't much as the true name is something that exists from the start of a soul. It also changes and adapts as the soul grows and changes. The fighting scenes remind me of ED and later fights of WiaMW, but that doesn't make them any less interesting or enjoyable to read. So all in all, if you've enjoyed Emperor's Domination and/or Warlock In A Magus World, this is a good recommendation, otherwise it's still a good read.

Abyssal Lord of the Magi World


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not as evil as leylin. His anger is a little hypocritical at times but it fits with the mcs philosophy and the worlds philosophy being the strong have the right. also he develops a group of people who he cares for a lot.

Kupkake:As someone hesitating to read the novel, how evil is the protagonist. I dont mind killing your enemies and killing certain people outright(rapists murders,etc) but, in my opinion, Leylin (from Warlock of the Magus World) was sometimes an a$$hole just because he could be or as a result of it directly benefiting him. Despite the people he killed or hurt never doing anything to hurt him or those around him.

As someone hesitating to read the novel, how evil is the protagonist. I dont mind killing your enemies and killing certain people outright(rapists murders,etc) but, in my opinion, Leylin (from Warlock of the Magus World) was sometimes an a$$hole just because he could be or as a result of it directly benefiting him. Despite the people he killed or hurt never doing anything to hurt him or those around him.


This is true. But this is technically covered in the story. The MC was a dempn for millions of years. As humans, we get set in our way after like 20ish years. So it is to be expected of the evilness of the MC. Even then, so far the MC has not been an a$$hole like Leylin, but more like the MC from Emperor's Domination. Think of it as the pride of someone who literally stood on top of the food chain and decided to restart. Only to be challenged by people on the bottom of the food chain.

Kupkake:As someone hesitating to read the novel, how evil is the protagonist. I dont mind killing your enemies and killing certain people outright(rapists murders,etc) but, in my opinion, Leylin (from Warlock of the Magus World) was sometimes an a$$hole just because he could be or as a result of it directly benefiting him. Despite the people he killed or hurt never doing anything to hurt him or those around him.

Alright that is fair enough. I appreciate they response my friend.

Megmaconqueror:This is true. But this is technically covered in the story. The MC was a dempn for millions of years. As humans, we get set in our way after like 20ish years. So it is to be expected of the evilness of the MC. Even then, so far the MC has not been an a$$hole like Leylin, but more like the MC from Emperor's Domination. Think of it as the pride of someone who literally stood on top of the food chain and decided to restart. Only to be challenged by people on the bottom of the food chain.

No problem. :D I love to discover new novels to read, and give credit or limelight where it's due. So if you have any recommendations, I'll take them. :D

Kupkake:Alright that is fair enough. I appreciate they response my friend.

I cant think of anything that is similar to Warlock of the Magus World or to Abyssal Lord of the Magi World. Guild Wars is a great video game novel and Supreme magus is a great magic novel, both of which are top tier in their own genres. Actually now that I think about it the MC of Supreme Magus is in most cases one bad day away from killing anything in his way so in that way he is similar to Leylin. Point being you might like Supreme Magus.

Megmaconqueror:No problem. :D I love to discover new novels to read, and give credit or limelight where it's due. So if you have any recommendations, I'll take them. :D

In the first place killing is bad or evil no matter what purpose. Now onto the enemy part, if some people dared mess with mc then killing them is necessary to avoid further trouble unless you are a masochist retard. Murderer,rapist,etc or not no one has right to outright kill them cuz they too are living beings and from some prospective these guys too are innocent. I still haven't read WMW so I won't say much but if you gain benefits by killing innocent in a dog eat dog world so why not? Not to mention in real world top politicians or people in power only care about benefits too but still no one can do anything to them.

Kupkake:As someone hesitating to read the novel, how evil is the protagonist. I dont mind killing your enemies and killing certain people outright(rapists murders,etc) but, in my opinion, Leylin (from Warlock of the Magus World) was sometimes an a$$hole just because he could be or as a result of it directly benefiting him. Despite the people he killed or hurt never doing anything to hurt him or those around him.

correct me if im wrong, leylin from panlong or from what other novel?(my brain kept messing up the novels ive read)

Caeden_Yap_1578:not as evil as leylin. His anger is a little hypocritical at times but it fits with the mcs philosophy and the worlds philosophy being the strong have the right. also he develops a group of people who he cares for a lot.

Linley is Pan Long, Leylin is Warlock of the Magus World

Awts_Sadge:correct me if im wrong, leylin from panlong or from what other novel?(my brain kept messing up the novels ive read)