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I figured that was the case because of the princess title but Monica calls her a noble not royalty. Plus if there is royalty what does that look like. We have heard no mention of Kings, Queens, Emperors, or Empresses. Then again we also barely know about the power levels beyond when you evolve, after integrating 100% with mana, but I imagine when Khan gets closer to that level the author will start hyping up people at that power level. Sorry the last sentence was a bit off topic. It seems like even the global army has to respect the so called royalty, despite the colonel mentioning that the global army and the noble families are intertwined yet still hold separate interests. To the point where, the global army is willing to show some backbone against the noble families if need be, but they just kind of rolled over for the princess which leads me to believe that her family holds a high amount of power in terms of being a noble/royal family. On top of having a lot of power within the global army which gives her family a major leg up over most of the other aristocrats.
Okay so Edna is an actual noble whereas all these other kids are just influential people's kids. I could swear people have called Monica a noble but when Monica was talking to Edna she specifically called her a noble in a way that insinuates that Monica herself is not. I wouldn't bring this up, if not for that interaction. I originally thought, Edna was from a top tier noble family and Monica is from a peak middle level noble family whereas George would be from a low to mid middle level noble family. Luke would also probably be from a peak middle level noble family. They are al nobles but there are different tiers of power and success within the noble families, which makes complete sense. This is a bit late, but it was also interesting that Khan was very clearly complimented by an elite special forces soldier despite Khan himself never getting the chance to officially do that kind of work. Or rather he wasn't trained to do it but, in my opinion, a lot of the things he did would be considered that level of work as a soldier. Maybe I am misremembering and he was trained in that way, please correct me if I am wrong. It just makes me want at least one arc or mini-arc where Khan is thrown through a special forces training program for some type of mission, just to see what he can do compared to that level of soldier.
I know and understand all of that. I was just saying its funny that he doesn't see the irony which is a major part of his character. His lack of ability to see irony and how hypocritical he can be sometimes, usually to his own detriment.
This is unrelated but RinoZ, the author of Chrysalis, has another book called Book of the Dead by RinoZ. Its not on webnovel, google it and you should find it very easily. I only just started reading it ,yet it seems to be a much more serious and gritty story than Chryaslis is, at least for now. I just wanted to post this because I just now found out about it which baffles me considering I try and check up on all my favorite authors to see if they are writing anything new on Webnovel. I should have been checking everywhere else as well . TLDR, go read Book of the Dead by RinoZ.
I dont recall if this was mentioned previously, but if Peter got a statue I hope Enid gets one as well. She definitely deserves it.
It's ironic that Anthony hate's spiders, who have eight legs, but loves the number 8 when it comes to hours of sleep, I know its for scientific reasons. I am not sure if this was intentional on the author's part. Regardless, it makes me laugh every time somebody brings it up.
She's like those are rookie numbers.
Oh thank god. I was always though it was BS that he only got a silver ranked class despite all his feats. Maybe that's because he wasn't playing to his play style as well as he could have. Or maybe it'd because of him not using that diamond prism. Regardless, I feel like he should have atleast gotten a gold class for all that he accomplished up until that point.
So he can learn blacksmithing, tailoring, and alchemy that's very interesting.
Then him and Gregory became best friends. Though Cole stills kills him on occasion for old times sake.