2022-06-04 15:25

The drawing quality and the story development are both very good and I was excited every time I got to read more. Around episode 450 suddenly half of the art was blurred out, from blood to any woman's exposed skin save for their faces and their lower legs. If you keep reading on it just gets worse, the censoring begins to include almost every females body, whether they are clothed or not. And the censoring has two shades. if its on the ground or the walls (blood and gore) it will be black, if its blurring a character it will always be a very bright white which makes it very difficult to concentrate on reading the story because most of the text bubbles are the same shade of white. This comic went from one of my most favorite to my very least, I am very disappointed.

Liked by 2 people


did u read all 450 ch here on webnovel??


I can second this. It's frustrating.

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