
Review Detail of RionSteiner in The cutest omniversal shopkeeper.

Review detail


Good concept about OP(as if) mc with a store, bad execution of story. MC being kirby the shopkeeper, it really unique but very few readers interested to see that. Mostly readers read some OP human shopkeeper, that MC gain interest many readers. World building so confusing and random specially on early chapters. 1st world naruto world, MC's shop always hop in timeline and different places on naruto world with no indication for the readers that the shop teleported. MC and characters dialogue and interaction so confusing specially on which person is talking on dialogue. MC interaction also suck like a wuss japanese anime generated MC. I tell you he doesn't own the shop even the God said that he fulfill his wish, the shop is sentient and only listen few times on MC. He doesn't even has full control of the shop which the shop always follow the rules that God (who's MC met and fulfilled his with). So basically MC is a kirby with no control and little voice in the shop. Hes only role is being a shop keeper not the owner. So he's a seller or something employed by God to interact with the customer.


The cutest omniversal shopkeeper.


Liked by 11 people




Yea, I also like the concept but being controlled by the god and later on, it's not really about the shop. It killed it for me.


Damn what a disappointment


Well the title has shopkeeper not owner in it but maybe back when you posted it the title had owner in it