
Review Detail of TheFallen99 in Game Of Thrones: The Dragon Targaryen

Review detail


One of the most beautiful works of fiction I have ever read. First of all, it has professional level writing quality, both in grammar and development. There is a handful of narrators throughout the story, though we primarily follow the point of view of the protagonist, but the author quite remarkably shows everyone's different personalities and explores their psyche in a truly amazing display of writing skill. The plot radically diverges from the GoT/ASoIaF story, but keeps the lore clearly in mind and finds a defined in-universe place and time, with logical explanations behind its happenings (for example, travel takes time, battles have specific locations for a reason, the strategies implemented have a valid justification and actual military applications, decisions make sense based on the knowledge the characters making them possess, and emotional responses feel real and justified, or at least understandable). The way the author treats their characters is positively glorious: each and every individual, whether an original character or one of G.R.R.Martin's, is defined and feels like a real person, with their own motivations, dreams, ambitions and regrets, and reacts to the events around them in ways that define them as people. The characters are ever-changing, influenced by their experiences, each and every one of which has consequences, often in real GoT/ASoIaF fashion. Another thing I find particularly striking are some red herrings that are in the story, certain elements that make you think a character may be up to something, while they are actually doing something completely different, if anything at all, while other times certain events come quite unexpectedly out of left field due to someone's hidden machinations, and change the playing field entirely, keeping you guessing for the entire duration of the novel. The world does not revolve around the protagonist: the protagonist slowly grows into a man, a very striking and powerful one, who is acknowledged and loved and feared, yet remains but a man in a world that would still function with his removal from the story - the actions of every other character are not anchored to his existence and in true Martin fashion, there is no plot armour. The single most amazing thing, though, is the way that characters get their defining moments - their struggles, their victories and, most strikingly, their deaths. Not everyone's death is described in detail, just as not everyone's death is a meaningful sacrifice or an act of vengeance or a defining moment; the one universal truth of GoT is that people die, and while some die heroically in a blaze of glory, others die silently, with nary a whimper, and this story perfectly maintains that sense of fragility that we associate with the lives of Martin's characters, but does not make their tales or the impact they have on their world any less significant. If you choose to read this novel, prepare to laugh and cheer and cry and suffer, because I assure you this tale will draw you in and make you invested in the fate of its characters, make you rejoice in their greatest triumphs and break your heart alongside theirs during their darkest hours. I have read this entire work in less than 2 days,expecting just another trashy fanfic and finding the rarest kind of gem, and I can't wait to read it again in the future, just as I'm certain many others who have and will read it plan to do likewise. So thank you author, from the bottom of my heart, for this beautiful masterpiece! I shall follow your works with great relish and wish you all the best in all your future endeavors. Till next time.


Game Of Thrones: The Dragon Targaryen


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