
Review Detail of Hentai_Senchou in Rebirth in a Magical World

Review detail


Honestly, It's better than Harry Potter. It isn't like all of the other stories where the only content and development in the fan fiction is things that happened in the original. His family is well developed and makes you feel hostility for the noble family that is their enemy. His grandfather is mistakenly believed to have died as voldemorts follower since voldemort killed him before he could denounce to the public how crazy voldemorts ideals are getting. He has multiple goals that make sense and are based on things that have happened to him and his family. The only desire he has from his first life is to learn more about the mystery of magic, he doesn't want to become god or desire having more power than all others. He wants to fulfil his grandfathers goal of creating the best and fastest flying broom since the way to create the nimbus was basically stolen from his family. While he is strong for his age, he is nowhere near op. He is talented and will surpass others, but he couldn't cast wandless spells before getting his wand and only knew a handfull of year one spells when school started and learned two year two spells that are easier due to necessity. No becoming a master Occlumens way to easily, though I assume his first life can't be seen since he has almost forgotten it. A story that is developed well in all aspects, from the chatecters personalities and goals, to magic, and even politics and grudges between houses. One of my favorite parts though is that the protagonists 3 closest friends are all sorted to different houses than him and each other and the author is witing about the struggles and peer pressure they go through due to it. TLDR:Actual story and development other than the "Practice magic secretly until Im stronger than someone two years older than me, then skulk around like an oriole behind a mantis, only making moves during crucial moments since I'm a pu$$y without knowing the future." That every other author uses. Just remember, If your reading this author, I want the future we know to be all fu<ked up by the time we get to it.

Rebirth in a Magical World


Liked by 89 people




I think there should be a few more direct interactions with the main characters


So I'm not planing on making any changes to book 1 or 2, in book 3 there will be a few changes, by the time we get to the time period of the 5th and 6th books, many things will have changed, some for the better, others may be worse. I'm glad you're enjoying the story.


Just left my review, saw your review and now feel like i am not worthy to have written said review lol I second the motion Dear author, that reply sounds ominous....i like it!


I have now added this book to my library just because of this review


Well said. Although I don't really read HP fanfics or even the real thing, I'll try this out.


Well said


It's not a story about harry potter and the golden trio. The main character and his friends are older and stronger than harry potter, have nothing in common with harry and his friends, have different motivations, different enemies and a different final boss. Right now hermione is the only one of the three that have a desire to excell at magic. The literal only way they could interact is if Alexander went out of his way to fight their battles for them, all while he has a more troublesome enemy than voldemort. With voldemort you just have to beat him up and everyone will cheer, Alexanders enemy is hidden in the light and anyone that makes a move will get arrested. Don't read this expecting a battle against voldemort. This is a unique story about Alexander Fawley, not Harry Potter

joseph_gotsch:I think there should be a few more direct interactions with the main characters

the most important question, harem?

Jmwells2003:So I'm not planing on making any changes to book 1 or 2, in book 3 there will be a few changes, by the time we get to the time period of the 5th and 6th books, many things will have changed, some for the better, others may be worse. I'm glad you're enjoying the story.

No harem

ProfessorofCulture:the most important question, harem?


Jmwells2003:No harem

Hey, totally random question! Could you add Tags to the book? I haven't read it yet, but looking at reviews, the number of chapters out and the fact that it's recently updated, I will definitely read it, it's already in my library. I love fanfictions, a lot. I usually search for tags, such as "Harry Potter" If I'm up for an HP fanfic, or "Marvel" for that, and so on. If I'm looking for some slice of life I search that. Tags help a lot! Thanks! :)

Jmwells2003:So I'm not planing on making any changes to book 1 or 2, in book 3 there will be a few changes, by the time we get to the time period of the 5th and 6th books, many things will have changed, some for the better, others may be worse. I'm glad you're enjoying the story.

I will look into it

MrColt:Hey, totally random question! Could you add Tags to the book? I haven't read it yet, but looking at reviews, the number of chapters out and the fact that it's recently updated, I will definitely read it, it's already in my library. I love fanfictions, a lot. I usually search for tags, such as "Harry Potter" If I'm up for an HP fanfic, or "Marvel" for that, and so on. If I'm looking for some slice of life I search that. Tags help a lot! Thanks! :)

Good stuff



hiddenkard:Just left my review, saw your review and now feel like i am not worthy to have written said review lol I second the motion Dear author, that reply sounds ominous....i like it!



One question, when is the next chapter? Not forcing you to answer but it been a while seen the last one.


? I'm not the author.

Max_Erikson:One question, when is the next chapter? Not forcing you to answer but it been a while seen the last one.

Yeah sorry wrong person😰😰😰😅😆

Hentai_Senchou:? I'm not the author.

Is there romance?

Jmwells2003:No harem

Sorry. Wrong person

Hentai_Senchou:? I'm not the author.