The only reason you book isn't popular is because webnovel doesn't reward slow progression stories. I read only a few chapters and I already knew this book should warrant a place in the power ranking. Author is wasting his talent here. When you finish the book, please send it to a publisher. I would order the book online if this ever happens.
Liked by 26 people
LIKEromance or no romance
ah, well, Beam is pretty much all about progress atm. He isn't dating anyone, and probably won't be for a long time. His main friend is a girl, so there's a romance tension there at times, but it isn't the focus of the story. idk if that meets your criteria
“Friends” are just baggage that can be used and be thrown away when u are done with them as there is no such thing as a “friend” in front of death and power. Mc has to focus on himself and not have friends and if he does only use them to get to where he wants then leaves or kills them:)
why dont you post on royal road the community there will like this book or do you a contract with webnovel
This is such a dumb and mentally childish take that it makes me question if you have a brain or if you’re a 5-year-old. In the modern era, people like you never get anywhere in life, and this era is where people have the most amount of self-sufficiency and solo survival, and even in these times, we need others to be able to climb the ladder. The dumbest part is that you use this logic and put it on civilization, which would be during the Roman Empire where people had to group up together in order to survive as if a person got a sickness or infection, there was a high chance they would be dead and there was also the threat of bandits who were known for raping and killing civilians. So next time you comment, use that small brain—well, whatever’s left of it—at least to think a bit before spouting nonsense.
O no did the retard get mad? I did not know you are the author of this novel commenting under
Will there be a partner or will the romance only be teased throughout the story?
This one is a psycho. I bet you are a loner and dont have friends