
Review Detail of PsyberRose in Curse the Mainframe!

Review detail


Well, this is the second novel from the author that I'm reading and I will warn you. My review is extremely biased. One: Writing quality is awesome pawsome. Then again, English isn't my first language so if you are expecting exceedingly perfect English with proper prose / sentence structure etc then this isn't for you. If you want to read an awesome descriptive novel that has really good English and can bring you into its world: then dig in. Two: Author is always twisted. I mean, in terms of plot, shocks, different storyline and whatever else you can think of. It's not the typical run-of-the-mill story which is why it's so great. System is the MC. Come on, have you ever come across any novel with that sort of plot? Three: Author is cute. Well, in terms of responding and interacting with the readers. So if you like that, then come on in. In short, dig in. Get immersed. Get lost in Author's imagination.


Curse the Mainframe!


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Hehe thank you (✧ω✧) I live (and continue to live) to shock.