it's a good story once you get over the first few chapters. the author has a talent to make us feel inferior, so many will hate the first few chapters. it gets a lot better afterwards and is really interesting. SPOILER: black light sabers.......... how cool as **** is that? i mean they are light sabers but they are black! *mindblown* they're going to saber rape every jedi and sith just with that. i mean B! L! A! C! K! light sabers. ****. its cool. and cringy at the same time. will they be called chaotic force users? or emo force users? only the force can tell. the only thing we need now is a skull throne and more blood for the blood god! altough there is no mention of my personal favorites (system and what never should be missed a harem, becacuse no harem no life) which results in a 1 star minus, this is just my preference. none the less, it's a good story and very well written for a free story. thank you author. keep up the good work. Motherf****** BLACK light sabers. dude. ****. it's like blown tha mind you know. fantastic idea. see that samuel gay jackson. (sorry dude but you should have turned down that role once the color of your gay as f*** light saber was known. it's f****** violet..... i mean, did you want to be a joke? or where you just drugged up liike motherfucking hobo?)
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