I've read up to chapter 400 so far and I would say this story is ok at best. The author goes into a lot of detail with describing the things the MC is doing while crafting, which at the start I thought was good and even necessary to sort of lay the foundation and give the reader a better understanding of what was happening, as well as visualize the crating process. What I didn't like is that the author continues to write about crafting in great detail like this for the rest of the story. Now there's nothing wrong with the crafting aspects in these kind of stories, in fact I enjoy the crafting parts a lot. The problem is there is not enough action/adventure or story development taking place to balance out the crafting aspect and it gets tiresome to read. The beginning of the story was decent as the MC first enters the game prior to its official release and reaches his first town where he begins crafting in the various styles like smithing, leather working, tailoring, alchemy etc. This goes on for a few dozen chapters, and just when it's starting to get boring, the MC leaves the first town and starts traveling. Then the story picks up a bit and gets more interesting for a little while, until the MC goes to sea to reach some islands. At this point the pacing of the story takes a dramatic plunge and is almost completely focused on crafting during the voyage with only a few plot developments for about 150 chapters, and became painful to read. After the MC finally reaches the islands the story starts gets interesting again for a little while, before falling right back into monotonous crafting. As for the MC's life irl, most of it I found boring, unnecessary, and during one part, even offensive. I was holding out, hoping the story would get better after other players started entering the game, but by chapter 400 the game hasn't even been opened to the public yet, and I'm probably going to drop this. For some, this might be a good story, but it just didn't suit my tastes. If you're looking for a good story with the right balance of action/adventure, story development, and crafting, I would highly suggest reading "Overgeared" instead of this.
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