I have read half of story on royale road.. honest review:- author is a sadestic person who likes to create problems for mc.. and yeah mc suffers failure after failure... and there is not good kingdom building here .. this novel is all about politics... and thats too dirty politics.. mc made plan some greedy marchent or cruel nobals create problems for him and mc plan failed... after 100 failure mc would get minor sucess and than there would be series of failure for mc.. there is technology development but thats it .. its very short and rest is all about how all the rich people, greedy marchent and curropt nobels creating problems for him ... This is extreame sadestic novel where mc just suffer.. and yeah author said that this novel is realastic but I donn't know its what made this novel boring... I expected kingdom building where good part is people pov about how life become better and what new thing happens.. but all we get is dirty and boring politics and this is repetitive.... Shame on kingdom building..
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