Lots of nationalism in the comments, don't get me wrong it's ok to be a patriot but I don't think you should give the book a 5 stars just because it's about your nation's sport. Reviews are for the book, not the sport.
Liked by 6 people
LIKEDear @Ji_Yidao what is it for you if we give 5 star?Common! Are you aware of the so called ******* os speech and mind your own businesses? Author can write what they want and you have no right to command what he need to do. So what if they are patriots? If you have nothing good to say, then writr your won book and get lost! Haha.. Guys another bored intruder is here😏
Your comment makes no sense, I have not told the author to do anything. Yes fre.edom of speech is perfectly fine and just, that is why I am using it in my review. The author even agreed with me. Like I said before I'm not against patriotism, but people should be leaving reviews about the novel itself rather than giving it 5 stars just because it's about your nation's sport.