When he first got the blood ministration in Yharnam i was honestly worried that the story would follow the game too closely because the story development at that exact point was 100% the same as the game. While this is true the size of Yharnam isn't infinite and a starting point is necessary, so on second thought it's understandable that the story would need to start there so i don't really have anything to complain about. What i'm trying to say is that it would be strange if the mc killed the final boss from the game as his first boss kill so starting at the same place as the game sounds reasonable. As i mentioned before i was curious of how the author would manage to create a story from a linear game like "Bloodborne" and that worry was scaring me for sometime (i hate dropping novels). I even began to think that the mc was pretty stupid and sucked at fighting despite having a military background (i doubt soldiers in the US army practices using a saw cleaver), but as it turns out the mc here is capable of learning from his mistakes after dying a few times (just like a gamer). When reading this you have to expect that you're gonna be feel very familiar with some of the things happening here and you will probably feel as if your playing Bloodborne for the first time at the beginning and this might bore and irritate you but that feeling will gradually disappear as the story progresses and the author adds more elements to differentiate the novel from the game. Honestly i was considering dropping it for a while because i thought there wouldn't be anything different from the game here but now i'm hooked. I have to admit iv'e had the thought about how cool it would be if i was a hunter like those in the game (requirements: 1. Blood ministration, 2. Kill beasts) and could get stronger by killing beasts and the feeling of satisfaction knowing that other people knowing i am out there hunting those grotesque monsters they shiver in fear of.
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LIKEThere isn't really a need to have played the game to enjoy the story besides, the novel explains things alot better than the game does. In fact there is no need to understand the game at all, you just need to focus on the novel and forget it was originaly inspired by a game. In fact it might be even better to not be familiar with the game at all. Just consider the game as a list of unlikely yet somewhat accurate spoilers, atleast as far as the geography go.