*I am chapter 508 at the time of writing this review. Good Story. Lots of pointless maths. Confusing sometimes. Please read this story assuming that it is based in another world, as it has many changes. Most of them are present to make China look better. Now in deep. The translating quality and update is quite good. No problems here. Pointless Maths: The maths present there might be good to make the story feel original and give it more impact. But honestly, most of the readers don't have such deep background in Mathematics field. I myself am from Commerce side and 99% things make no sense. I asked one of my friends who is currently in his bachelors final. He understood few things but even to him, most of it was gibberish. This makes you skip large portion of a chapter. Funny thing about the maths and all the science here is...its not all completely true. I didn't check everything, but did google few fields and theorems. It's not exactly correct. ( I might be wrong as I am a complete noob in this field. But crosschecking did show it was not as he states.) Next is the World. You should read the story assuming that it's an alertnate world. Many major positions have been given to Chinese. Few things have been made to sound better. Like their contribution in some fields. Personally I don't have problems with it but don't believe everything at face value. And for people trying to avoid racism in story. Until now I haven't seen any intentional racist remark except for some jokes. Yes, there is slight racism present but it's almost negligible compare to most other novels. One great thing about this novel is the system. The system doesn't handfeeds the MC, neither he can buy skill books or upgrade skills like in IRAS. He has to study everything on his own. The system just provides the incentive. It makes him figure most of the things on its own. It's quite a relief as the system is an aid and not a crutch. In fact MC himself believes that the system might be from a higher civilization or future, as it has all research in its database. Plus the way the system asks him to research on his own and draw its own conclusion, MC even assumes this to be some sort of graduation test. Until now their is no super tech or something like monster factory. Although the MC is genius its in the range of understanding. He doesn't pumps out next generation technology every few months. So don't expect timemachines, spacships and such things anytime soon. As of now his focus is on fusion reactors. One major drawback is his interaction with the family. It's dull and extremely borin, making you want to skip those parts. Following it are the interactions with departments, government, and other academicians. It's extremely dull. That's it for now. I might change it later as the story progresses. Cya.
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