2019-02-09 02:55

This review is part of a review swap and valid as of chapter six. Six chapters quite honestly isn't enough for any kind of decent review. Bear that in mind when it's time for the stars. Fallen god merges with an adolecent kid in the modern world. Well, that's about it. We have a backstory that reads like a poetically written academic treaty on the history of deitypolis. Then the meeting between boy and god, a slice of flashback, some more backstory and a little slice of life with boy and god learning how to share a body and a mind. You can't expect much more from six chapters. Now for the stars. Writing: Four stars. Gets better after a while, but the first chapters use a peculiar English to say the least. Verbs are simply dropped left and right. Updates: Six chapters isn't enough for an assessment. I'll just hand out the five stars. Story: Four stars. Backstory, story proper, flashback, backstory and story proper again. All crammed into six chapters. Characters: Five stars. While we've barely touched the beginning the two main characters are nicely fleshed out. World: Four stars. This is an aggregate of a five star backstory and a three star story proper. While a lot of telling and little showing, the backstory is told very well. As for the story proper. I know it's set in today's world, and that's about it. Oh, and the setting has to be China. Lastly, the deficiencies I've pointed out are likely to be ironed out later. The author decided to properly give us the characters and the background, but it comes at the cost of world and plot. Still, we're only six chapters in.

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I panicked, sorry. Thanks a lot, tho.

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