I rather lazy to make my own review so I will copy paste my own stress! I don't bother to use grammarly or crio for this outburst so whether you understand it or nor I don't care since its only to unleash my anger! ------------ For those who don't like their review was pointed out, you should know I felt same!~ You think that I'm not appreciating your reviews since you appreciate my work, did you really have same mindset with that Scum Teacher in my past school?!~ (I'm not going to point out that teacher name, since it would be bad if I found out) He give me rate 5 out 10 when its my final time, when I ask him why he did that? is it because I'm stupid? since when I check it again, I could gain 7 out of 10 not 5. He told me! its because I'm expecting you to improve your study, this low rate should become encouragement to improve your study! With this I expect you will become more smarter than the current state, and in the future I will do same since human need to exceed their limit! ==== You know what?? its not working, its make me really hard to get job when I ran away from home when I tried it and in the end I've taken home again by my psycho father when he found my location!~ ===== So what I mean, you shouldn't try to reason that people who insult our disability on English to appreciate the review which indirectly told us to stop since even though one person dislike it is the same that all person who really appreciate it felt same!~ You told me that you guys did same with every novel you like? really then why didn't I found your review within novel which I see is worse than me? ====== Something like this: here I will give you 1/2/3 star to motivate you to improve yourself, I will increase it further if you improve it! this review is worked out? about details, did we really need to point out meridian there and here! I ask, did you really could see your own organ by closing your eyes? then for what? ----- The thing is we have different views, and don't worry I will change platform if what you told me that all people within this platform has same mindset! Judging but not creating to be judged! just create your own novel then I can see what work that perfect and if its really true than I will accept everything even if its insult!~ By the way I'm 28 this January, if you really have method for poor people who live in backward city like me to make my forgetful brain to work like I'm still in my youth then I'm begging it kindly to give it to me that method since my progress with self-study was slow you see!~ you can check out my times when I'm still student, how Sukabumi-West Java's level of education at that time!~ The teacher which educating us English has worse grammar at that time, the teacher himself told me about it!~ Don't expect our level of education is same when our country is different, don't mention different country! the different of area like my Sukabumi and Bandung already far away at that time!~ You can think I'm blaming other and world for my own passive to get better or whatever, you don't know my living condition so I will do what my heart told me to!~ Whether I appreciate your review or not doesn't matter is it not? since you did it for fun, feeling you're god who pointed mortal for their mistakes!~ You're unknown god? I can't see you awesomeness novel anywhere!!~
Liked by 5 people
LIKEI already used Grammarly + Crio from standford!~
At least I will delete Racist, Nationalism, Rape!~ Slave? I will this stay there since I'm only changing Yue Zhong not the whole world!~ At least you will never see this version of Yue Zhong letting loli to be raped, and killed like when original Yue Zhong come to Japan!~
Thanks for taking out the racist and nationalist part I really hated that about the original novel but keep the Gore and blood shed. I am rooting for you keep up the great work.
He will get them of course!~ Every woman and the original's friend will be saved again from their situation~ Truthfully, I've forgotten this novel's story since it's been a long time ago, when I was still new as a novel reader, this novel is one of the first novels I read so yeah I'm re-reading this as I write!~
naruto fanfic would be updated when I'm in mood, you know because some retarded review and comment make me forget the plan for that one while I already know its ending but still it's disrupted the process~
Naahh! There are too many Naruto fanfic now. It's good to read another fanfic like this one. I already read the GDW I both like it but mostly hate it because of the original author being racist. If ya know what I mean.
hahahahaha "By the way I'm 28 this January, if you really have method for poor people who live in backward city like me to make my forgetful brain to work like I'm still in my youth then I'm begging it kindly to give it to me that method since my progress with self-study was slow you see!~" this part was funny... try limitless the movie pill that **** works miracle in the movie and tv series..