
Review Detail of LostEra in The Achievement Junkie

Review detail


Just read chapter 2 and it is like the author had decided to put the most dumb and stupid things an mc can do in an isekai novel into 1 person. First of all openly declaring that he is not going to an ally would usually mean voluntary giving up your life because they have spent a lot of resources to summon you and the first you do is say that you're not an ally, if this isn't dumb than I don't know what is smart. Than even before the king can finish speaking he interrupts the king and in a disrespectful way says who are you and why am I here? Any culture on earth that has kings, future or present, has lesse mayeste rules to define what happens when someone is disrespectful to the throne and this mc just acts like it is normal to be direct and disrespectful while what is normal is that he would have been beheaded for his behavior. If this novel is full of these kind of illogical inconsistencies than I will quit reading this novel very quickly

The Achievement Junkie


Liked by 45 people




Thank you for your honesty, I appreciate it


well, there's a reason he ended up being a janitor... xD