a waste of time. there is nothing interesting to read, he gets rinnegan and full elemental control + op stats within a week of entering the one piece world. mc is boring and gets everything from the system with no effort(since he was close to water he got wind and water release completel mastered, close to vulcano,on an island... you get the gist.) if you want to know how bad it is, just read the first and maybe second chapter.... and yes it only gets worse.
Liked by 21 people
LIKEwell it might get better so i had to continue to read. they are rookie writers most of the time and some of them do improve, if you want me to be like you and rate every **** story with 5 stars just bc the writer is new then what use does the rating system have? the fact that a lot of people hand out 5 stars while reading 0, 1 or 2 chapters should concern you, not me who read 12 and then gave my opinion super op mc ok but why bother sealing his rinnegan and then just activating it with no effort. just give him the damn thing unlocked in the first place. so i actually read the latest chapter today and this is the novel where our mc gets ntred by his own clone, there was a reason i deleted this novel from my library.