
Review Detail of Artem_Trey in Rebirth Of A Serial Killer

Review detail


dude I'm not here to hate on you, i just started, stopped on chapter 10 or something. There's no spelling errors, the translation is ok, the english level fine. But its just that weird way you use vocabulary and grammar that just irks me, the fact that i have to repeatedly try and figure out which phrases you meant to use is waaay too tiring, i just wanted something chill to pass the time. As for your so called plot holes, the cops in your book are dumb af, just throw a few rounds of tear gas into his cell, also just shoot him with tranqs. And i know you're probably gonna explain more about him as the story progresses but if I'm 10 chaps in and i know nothing about him other than the fact that he kills, loves it just as much as putting roses on bodies which is another thing i dont get, then you're definitely doing something wrong. I dont care about his whole life story i just wanna know who he is, his train of thought, you know, the simple things. Oh and one last thing regarding the way you write twisting phrases or botching up use of vocabulary . "not allowed to open it" and "can't open it are two very different things ". Fiddling with a knife in your pocket... My point is i feel like punching you mostly coz i somehow think you're mocking me with these mistakes . The book has promise though

Rebirth Of A Serial Killer


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