
Review Detail of StampedingSquirrel in

Review detail


I’m sitting in my office asking myself how does this novel has so many 5 star reviews. It baffles me, I don’t think I’ve read the same novel as you guys. Beware: reading this novel may give you mental issues. This is pure wish fulfillment, but the author is too dumb to write a story. The mc constantly makes stupid choices, he actually lived 7 years as a fire mage deva (total of 11 years post world change) but he never even learned the basics on fighting, he acts like a child, everything surprises him and is new to him, he doesn’t know how to talk to people. He magically comes back to the past, 1 year before “apocalypse” but instead of making use of this time to do a myriad of smarter things (like, for example, finding anything about the guy who ****ed him up, and who he swore to kill in vengeance), he trains martial/military arts for one whole year (time-skip) but doesn’t learn how to fight (all he knows is to get hit, and then hit back harder, he doesn’t know how to evade, dodge, he barely blocks a few blows, it is disgusting to read). Author is even more repetitive than chinese authors, but as if that was not enough for him, he actually wrote a novel with game elements, and spams the Status for 1/3 of each chapter. The author has no idea what he is doing, his math and rpg sense are non-existant. Mc actually got 600 levels-worth of attributes (1200 points on each stat) while level 0 (purely from plot device, he didn’t do anything to deserve it), more than he ever had before coming back in time, but he can’t dodge 5 low leveled orcs (he dodges 1 or 2 and takes the blow from the others), hell, he can’t even 1 hit kill them (although their hits doesn’t even lower his hp). At 1200 agi, he should be so fast he would be a blur, at 1200 str he should destroy a f*ckin building with a punch, but no, he is still your regular mortal human agility and strenght-wise. Let’s not even mention how dumb the mc is with 1200 intelligence and wisdom. Mind you that regular lvl 0 devas have 10 points on each stat. Even with all this headstart he had on other devas and deities, I bet that there will be lot’s of regular non-elite devas that will still be able to condend with him, maybe even beat him. That’s without mentioning the elite devas and the deities. Ok, that’s enough, there are a lot more issues about this novel only from the first 20 chapters, but I’ve wasted enough time with this ranting.


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>'I’m sitting in my office asking myself how does this novel has so many 5 star reviews. It baffles me, I don’t think I’ve read the same novel as you guys. Beware: reading this novel may give you mental issues. This is pure wish fulfillment, but the author is too dumb to write a story. The mc constantly makes stupid choices' Lol, to be honest there are a lot of reviews like that, but you could post that literally under any novel.


Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert! Troll alert!

8Psycho:>'I’m sitting in my office asking myself how does this novel has so many 5 star reviews. It baffles me, I don’t think I’ve read the same novel as you guys. Beware: reading this novel may give you mental issues. This is pure wish fulfillment, but the author is too dumb to write a story. The mc constantly makes stupid choices' Lol, to be honest there are a lot of reviews like that, but you could post that literally under any novel.

Yeah but this nov is still stupid s@#t

8Psycho:>'I’m sitting in my office asking myself how does this novel has so many 5 star reviews. It baffles me, I don’t think I’ve read the same novel as you guys. Beware: reading this novel may give you mental issues. This is pure wish fulfillment, but the author is too dumb to write a story. The mc constantly makes stupid choices' Lol, to be honest there are a lot of reviews like that, but you could post that literally under any novel.

😂😂😂 it sounds stupid and funny




Can I not agree with you on a few aspects? The MC before returning, was a poor man, a fire mage who always stayed in the back lines, and was so poor that he had only elemental spells. He had no connections, no friends, no backing. After returning, he decide to change his life. He goes on warrior path. Of course he stumble, from backup on front lines is a huge step. Even if he spend one year on learning military fight. The Author has a few screw looses, with the stats and the effect, i agree with you, on speed and power. But INT doesn't make one smarter, it affects only mana manipulation, and capacity. Try to read again, and pay attention to details.


stop relating who you are to the MC and expect him to act like you dickweed. if you're so darn smart get started with a story you made with your MC acting and thinking the way you want it too.


Experiencia Experiencia experiencia experiencia experiencia experiencia experiencia experiencia experiencia experiencia


One year of military training is really enough to learn how to fight properly (moreover against low leveled orcs...). He still survived for 11 years in the world and should have fought all those years even if he was in the back lines...

GRoy:Can I not agree with you on a few aspects? The MC before returning, was a poor man, a fire mage who always stayed in the back lines, and was so poor that he had only elemental spells. He had no connections, no friends, no backing. After returning, he decide to change his life. He goes on warrior path. Of course he stumble, from backup on front lines is a huge step. Even if he spend one year on learning military fight. The Author has a few screw looses, with the stats and the effect, i agree with you, on speed and power. But INT doesn't make one smarter, it affects only mana manipulation, and capacity. Try to read again, and pay attention to details.



Jujur saja, walaupun itu dikatakan orc level rendah, pada ahirnya itu bukan monster yang bisa dibunuh dengan sekali pukul. Dan untuk sekedar koreksi, tingkat dungeon dibagi menjadi 3 yaitu rendah , menengah dan tinggi. Dan ada juga satu dungeon khusus yang biasanya akan hilang setelah dibersihkan . Dan untuk tingkat rendah ,itu adalah lahan berburu untuk level 100-200 bahkan untuk mengalahkan boss biasanya terdiri dari tim dengan level 300-400. Tingkat menengah biasanya berisi monster level 200+ dan cocok untuk level 200-400 dan untuk melawan boss, tim dengan level 400-500 . Sedangkan untuk tingkat tinggi adalah zona leveling untuk level 500+ dan untuk mengalahkan boss, dibutuhkan tim level 600-700, jika itu tim elit dari guild super maka ada kesempatan kecil sukses saat di level 550-600. Ngomong2, tim disini adalah definisi sungguhan sekelompok tim dengan kordinasi yang bagus. Dan untuk jumlahnya tergantung persyaratan dungeon, karna jika melebihi jumlah kapasitas yang di anjurkan maka boss semakin kuat dan hampir mustahil untuk bisa membunuh boss dengan jumlah orang tambahan.


Dan untuk metode pertarungan MC yang terlihat seperti amatir, coba baca novel korea rengkarnator. MC di dalam novel itu seorang pejuang veteran dimana metode bertarungnya sangat sederhana dimana dia akan memukul lawan lebih keras dibandingkan lawanya. Dan itu sangat efektif karena bisa membunuh monster dengan efisien yang sangat tinggi. Dan kebetulan jalur yang di ambil MC dalam novel ini juga sangat mirip dengan novel rengkarnator. Hanya saja MC dalam novel ini memulai jalanya sebagai pejuang dari awal tanpa pengalaman sebelumnya. Tapi semakin MC bertarung semakin matang metode pertarungannya. Dan pelatihan militer yang di bahas diatas sangat tidak cocok untuk gaya bertarung melawan monster yang jauh lebih besar dan jauh lebih kuat daripada tentara militer. Walaupun MC lebih unggul secara keseluruhan, setidaknya dibutuhkan waktu untuk membiasakan diri bertarung dengan monster dari jarak dekat. Dan juga alasan MC mengambil hit dari monster tersebut adalah karena dia tidak bisa memukul monster dengan tangan kosong dengan mudah karena monster memegang senjata dan dibutuhkan banyak waktu untuk mencari celah dengan menghindari serangan monster tersebut. Apalagi saat ada monster kategori jarak jauh, tanpa pengorbanan sangat sulit untuk menang dengan cepat. Karena satu hal yang pasti adalah monster memiliki skill sedangkan MC murni dengan tangan kosong karena semua poin skilnya dihabiskan untuk ditukar skill pasif yang mendukung sejumlah besar poin status. Jadi dilihat dari sudut pandang manapun. Logika MC bisa menang dengan mudah tanpa skill aktif sangat konyol. Apalagi poin status int dan wis tidak berpengaruh untuk seorang pejuang. Jadi total atribut 600 level hanya bernilai sekitar 360 level . Level 120 vit agi dan atk. Murni tanpa skill, jadi cukup sulit untuk solo dungeon tingkat rendah.


Dan juga penulis telah mengambil jalur untuk tumbuh menjadi MC OP. Kita semua tau bahwa sangat sulit menulis novel MC OP dengan baik tanpa beberapa cacat besar dalam MC untuk mengurangi tingkat kesulitan penulis. Contoh saitama, dia op tapi idiot . Tapi pada ahirnya one punch man tetap populer. Wang ling , dia op sampai tidak bisa mengendalikan kekuatanya. Tapi novelnya berjalan dengan menarik dan cukup populer. Kiba, dia sangat op bukan hanya kekuatanya tapi juga penisnya. Walaupun novel itu berisi banyak konten dewasa, tapi alur ceritanya sangat menarik untuk dibaca. Novel ini juga mengambil jalan MC OP tapi dengan batasan kecil disana sini yang transparan tapi sangat membantu penulis untuk mengembangkan alur cerita secara stabil.


Ive seen the first 5 reviews and i haven’t even seen a review above 3 1/2 so I don’t know where all the 5 star are .