
Review Detail of PettyOfficer in NoGift

Review detail


Overall 3.2/5 If you’re ok with a passive MC who has people falling for her left and right, go ahead and read. It’s interesting when characters don’t step all over the MC and hog the limelight with their over-the-top obsession. Don’t expect the MC to do anything but the minimum required of them. It’s for “comedic” and “evocative” purposes. Writing quality 3/5 There are occasional errors when the author switches from past to present tense. You can ignore the errors, but they’re a constant irritation in the background. Stability of updating 5/5 92 chapters in 20 days. Dang, son. Maybe the author needs to slow their roll and plan out a bit more. Each chapter is probably over 2,500 words. That’s 230,000 words. You should be satisfied with half that amount and if you demand more, I’m going to flame you on the author’s behalf. Story development 3/5 It would’ve been higher, but the characters keep interrupting with their obsession with the MC. It got tiring real fast when so many strong people came out of the woodwork and obsessed over the MC. Character design 1/5 Everyone important is OP, especially the MC who was crafted as a Mary Sue. She even had no ties to the world, which made her the ideal person to revolutionize the otherworld. Sadly, the MC loses any ability to make those impressive inventions after transmigrating to another world. That is, except that magic suppressing bracelet or whatever. What’s worse is that she latches onto the body’s family despite being characterized as independent because she “owes” them for giving her another chance. Seriously? The original owner died stupidly for not listening to her mother. Even if you’re caring for her family for convenience, the least she could do is try to control her wild sister’s behavior. You don’t live in a bubble. It’s a dangerous world of magic and monsters. It’s really tragic since all we’ve got to show for the MC’s intelligence is their aloofness and confidence as a child. Listen to the MC go on about dissecting things without the MC making tech for self-defense. See as the MC gets into dangerous situations, but never actually be in danger because their transmigrated soul rejects magic and any threat is too weak or already fell in love with the MC. I had high hopes when the MC talked about skipping town on her kingdom for being looked down as a talentless nobody. She wanted to start a business on her own. But when no one respects her status as a duke, I’m losing all confidence in her, especially when she’s incredibly passive. She doesn’t control her sister, doesn’t make any defenses when threatened, doesn’t make tech for a distraction or toy, and overly relies on an unknown power that might give out at any time when negating magic. Let’s not mention the potential love interests that appear, being excessively powerful and unreasonable. I’m getting flashbacks to ”His Genius Wife Is A Superstar” where the characters step all over the supposedly strong and independent MC. It’s infuriating and depressing. World background 4/5 There’s enough to go around when the characters aren’t busy pouting about who gets the MC. There are a few things I want to debate, but maybe the author addresses the problems or I missed something. Either way, it’s a pretty slow and steady build.



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Tysm for the review phew saved me from wasting my time


First thank you for the review. 😊 But may I know how far ahead have you read? Because a lot of your problems with the MC could be solved in volume 2 onwards. About her being passive, she's seven at the time. She really couldn't do anything even if she wanted to. Anyways, thank you for reading at least, what, 21 chapters? 🖒


Yes, I’ve read 21 chapters. If you’re talking about age and being unable to do anything at 7, you said in her introduction, she made many inventions since the age of 5 from flying cars to AI robots and electronic gadgets or whatever. I was extremely disappointed she didn’t begin researching and inventing devices to help her, like a drone or assistant robot. I didn’t notice any attempt on her behalf to make anything for self-defense, like a taser. If anything at all, she should have made basic tools to collect samples and build on the go. It was so strange for her to be so interested in the new mechanics of the world but failing to explore how they could be used in new technology. Also, I thought she separated herself from human relationships for science. It was strange for me to see her caring so much about her sister and spoiling her. Logically, because she had a mature mind, she would start with teaching her sister how to act. Lead by example, so to speak. However, there’s no action on her part to teach her sister restraint for much of the beginning, which is annoying to experience. Then there’s the life-threatening situations she experiences. She was attacked by that baron’s fireballs but when she realized her body might have antimagical properties, she relied on it for defense. It seems unscientific to rely on an unorthodox method. What if it was temporary, until her soul acclimated to this new world? You even showed how useless it was in the face of nonmagical threats with that assassin. Even when she died already by being cornered on Earth, she refused to prepare any countermeasures whenever someone attacks her. How does that make any sense to lose her sense of self-preservation? It’s irksome. Also, how would others react knowing that her body counters magic? You already showed her home kingdom plotted against her and her family. Wouldn’t any kingdom prioritize learning this? The military potential of having all your citizens immune to magic attacks is unbelievable. That’s why not only was it dangerous for her to save the second prince by relying on her physical constitution, but it was dangerous to reveal her antimagical properties. This goes extra for the magic suppression bracelets. Those could change the entire way of magical warfare, with assassins slapping them on magicians and killing them, or taking them prisoner. Stepping forth to “protect” her sister from the fire attack by that gremlin niece of her mother’s friend was similarly bad. There’s also the fact that her sister has an SS rank gift. Shouldn’t she be able to protect herself? If not, what was the point in creating just a magical suppression bracelet? I thought the initial idea was to make an adjustable bracelet so she could get used to her power? There was no indication after making the bracelet that it had those capabilities nor did she try to teach her sister to control her powers. What she basically did was reduce her sister into a NoGift like her then, which doesn’t make sense. She reversed the danger of her sister to the world to being the danger of the world to her sister. How is leaving her sister without any protection better than staying safe inside a tower? Let’s not forget that ultra obsessive assassin you introduced. He already threatened to kill her family, and she made it easier for him. All-in-all, you started with a genius that failed because of her nation and then left me with a genius that failed because of their lack of initiative. It’s disappointing and frustrating.

Tyramisu:First thank you for the review. 😊 But may I know how far ahead have you read? Because a lot of your problems with the MC could be solved in volume 2 onwards. About her being passive, she's seven at the time. She really couldn't do anything even if she wanted to. Anyways, thank you for reading at least, what, 21 chapters? 🖒

As I've said, a lot of your problems could be solved volume 2 onwards. She didn't begin making anything, because she didn't have the materials and the resources. I never said that it was the kingdom who threatened them. It was just one of the MC's conjecture. Which was not proven. The assassin you have a problem with doesn't even show himself much in the story. And he's mental, that much was clear. Do you really expect a normal mentality from someone who hadn't touched anyone since birth? Even the problem you have with the sister could be resolved volume 2 onwards. You really couldn't expect for everything to be solved 21 chapters in? If you want spoiler, then here it is; she has her own company at volume 2. She became a master swordsman with a sword made up of nanotech. She has a lab full of her inventions. She has 2 AI robots. Her sister can already control her Gift at A level. But I won't ask you to read more because clearly you have something against this story. So no matter what you read, it wouldn't be any good. You'll just continue to nitpick. So let's just leave it at that and move on. Then none of us would get annoyed. And you won't have to write another long reply. Thank you.


It’s not nitpicking if they’re actual problems that had to be fixed later on. Trust me, if I wanted to nitpick, I could type a lot more. The main criticism I had was your main character, or MC. I’m not looking for problems to be instantly solved. I’m looking for progress, which your MC delayed for unknown reasons. You already had her buy “materials and resources” to make that magic suppressing bracelet for her sister. That’s why I was confused when she didn’t make anything else. I said the kingdom plotted against her because nobles bullied a duke’s household. A baron was acting high and mighty in front of her, and you mentioned two boys saw this as they were plotting something. Even if the kingdom isn’t a threat because of this, they would be a threat after discovering her magic suppressing bracelet and her antimagic constitution. It’s for power. Not preparing countermeasures or protection is weird. Letting the prince have her magic suppressing bracelet based wholly on trust is weirder. I never said I had a problem with the assassin. I said I had a problem with your MC. The assassin proved she’s in danger even with her antimagic constitution. Her not making countermeasures or protection afterwards is weird. Not teaching her sister is weird too. It took way longer than expected for her to even begin teaching her to control her magic. I thought the initial plan for the magic suppressing bracelet was for that whole reason. Teaching her would make her sister safe and everyone around her safe. All those times when she was breaking the magic suppressing bracelet should have already made the MC teach her self-control.

Tyramisu:As I've said, a lot of your problems could be solved volume 2 onwards. She didn't begin making anything, because she didn't have the materials and the resources. I never said that it was the kingdom who threatened them. It was just one of the MC's conjecture. Which was not proven. The assassin you have a problem with doesn't even show himself much in the story. And he's mental, that much was clear. Do you really expect a normal mentality from someone who hadn't touched anyone since birth? Even the problem you have with the sister could be resolved volume 2 onwards. You really couldn't expect for everything to be solved 21 chapters in? If you want spoiler, then here it is; she has her own company at volume 2. She became a master swordsman with a sword made up of nanotech. She has a lab full of her inventions. She has 2 AI robots. Her sister can already control her Gift at A level. But I won't ask you to read more because clearly you have something against this story. So no matter what you read, it wouldn't be any good. You'll just continue to nitpick. So let's just leave it at that and move on. Then none of us would get annoyed. And you won't have to write another long reply. Thank you.

The things you wanted the MC to fix couldn't be fixed immediately. But she did. The moment she arrived at Amexem, she looked for someone who could train her. Which you didn't get to read. Coz you stopped at 21 and that happened at chapter 22. The same goes for her sister controlling her Gift. I don't know if you noticed, but it hasn't been that long since the MC entered this world. Expecting her to solve everything with just small amount of time is kind of impossible. The materials she needed to make something that could really make a difference couldn't be simply bought at a simple magic shop. And the thing about her not being affected by Mana is something that wouldn't be known to the world immediately. Unless of course she announced it to the world which she wouldn't. I feel like I'm repeating myself over and over again. The things you wanted to happen wouldn't happen with just 21 chapters in. Especially when this story is going to be 10volumes long. If this is a short story that would end with only 100chapters, then yes, everything would definitely be fast paced. But it's not. So expecting everything you find wrong to be tied in a pretty neat bow after just 21 chapters is impossible.

PettyOfficer:It’s not nitpicking if they’re actual problems that had to be fixed later on. Trust me, if I wanted to nitpick, I could type a lot more. The main criticism I had was your main character, or MC. I’m not looking for problems to be instantly solved. I’m looking for progress, which your MC delayed for unknown reasons. You already had her buy “materials and resources” to make that magic suppressing bracelet for her sister. That’s why I was confused when she didn’t make anything else. I said the kingdom plotted against her because nobles bullied a duke’s household. A baron was acting high and mighty in front of her, and you mentioned two boys saw this as they were plotting something. Even if the kingdom isn’t a threat because of this, they would be a threat after discovering her magic suppressing bracelet and her antimagic constitution. It’s for power. Not preparing countermeasures or protection is weird. Letting the prince have her magic suppressing bracelet based wholly on trust is weirder. I never said I had a problem with the assassin. I said I had a problem with your MC. The assassin proved she’s in danger even with her antimagic constitution. Her not making countermeasures or protection afterwards is weird. Not teaching her sister is weird too. It took way longer than expected for her to even begin teaching her to control her magic. I thought the initial plan for the magic suppressing bracelet was for that whole reason. Teaching her would make her sister safe and everyone around her safe. All those times when she was breaking the magic suppressing bracelet should have already made the MC teach her self-control.

You keep saying I want everything solved instantly. I don’t. There’s a difference between progress and completion. You’re thinking in terms of story arcs. I’m thinking in terms of gradual growth and preparation. If you don’t understand what I already typed, we might as well just agree to disagree. I surely don’t understand why you need to keep telling me it gets solved later. Wasn’t that self-evident?

Tyramisu:The things you wanted the MC to fix couldn't be fixed immediately. But she did. The moment she arrived at Amexem, she looked for someone who could train her. Which you didn't get to read. Coz you stopped at 21 and that happened at chapter 22. The same goes for her sister controlling her Gift. I don't know if you noticed, but it hasn't been that long since the MC entered this world. Expecting her to solve everything with just small amount of time is kind of impossible. The materials she needed to make something that could really make a difference couldn't be simply bought at a simple magic shop. And the thing about her not being affected by Mana is something that wouldn't be known to the world immediately. Unless of course she announced it to the world which she wouldn't. I feel like I'm repeating myself over and over again. The things you wanted to happen wouldn't happen with just 21 chapters in. Especially when this story is going to be 10volumes long. If this is a short story that would end with only 100chapters, then yes, everything would definitely be fast paced. But it's not. So expecting everything you find wrong to be tied in a pretty neat bow after just 21 chapters is impossible.

Yes, I really think we just have to agree to disagree and leave it at that.

PettyOfficer:You keep saying I want everything solved instantly. I don’t. There’s a difference between progress and completion. You’re thinking in terms of story arcs. I’m thinking in terms of gradual growth and preparation. If you don’t understand what I already typed, we might as well just agree to disagree. I surely don’t understand why you need to keep telling me it gets solved later. Wasn’t that self-evident?

Thank you for the review!


thanks for the insight, dodged a bullet