
Review Detail of Hyowha in No System? No Problem! (Rebellion Against the Heavenly Fate)

Review detail


This definitely is a story worth checking out. First of all, there are almost no grammar mistakes, which for an original seems to be a hard hurdle to pass. Now, as the title suggest, the story is about an OP Main Character. Such stories can be interesting, but can also end up as only wish fulfillment. It’s really a thin thread between those two. The most important thing is to not make the mainfocus be the action, rather something different like politics or philosophy I believe though, that this will turn into one of the better OP stories, as the world is well defined, and I can see that the story has a layout and knows where to go. I personally find that the POV Changes are good, and sometimes even essential if you make a story with your own world, but as others have noted, if they are switched too often, it can be difficult to follow the story, and in the worst case make you forget who the MC actually is. A POV Change should always revolve around the MC, and should be used to further the plot in which MC is the focus. I can see it is well done here though. Lastly, we have the characters. I don’t know if that was planned or not, but the Main Character scares me. It’s good though. It’s very good, I find that interesting. However, if that is not the plan, I’d recommend to tone i think down a bit when it comes to her actions and responses. What I mean is that we have a character that is full of innocence, killing many different things and beings. It is scary for me, because it’s a character who has a lot of power, but doesn’t understand what can be done with it. To summarize, it’s a 5 star for me. It’s definetly one of the better novels around here. Anyone interested in OP Characters in a fantasy setting should check this story out. I will also continue reading it to see where it will go.


No System? No Problem! (Rebellion Against the Heavenly Fate)


Liked by 6 people




Thank you! Yes, Sam is a wild child now. She will have to learn and grow - and as with many of us, those lessons... come the hard and painful way :( But such is the way for so many of us! That we learn too slow, too late... :( To be kinder To be gentler To love more To cherish more To be wiser To be more trusting To learn who to listen to And who truly cares about us


Very helpful review! Thank you for sharing your thoughta and view. What you said seems interesting. Goona start reading this one.