This crap sucks I read to chapter 3 and I already quit that’s how crappy it is the mc attitude toward his parent is a asshole worst I can already predict that his fiancée is gonna fall in love with mc even though she didn’t like him and mc know they are only for money but he is still gonna take her if I’m wrong about them gonna fall in love tell me
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LIKEI'll be honest. Chapter three is not enough of a view into this novel. Your feelings in this review will also be made up for pretty quickly afterwards. I hope you either continued reading it or come back to give it a chance. The novel improves a hell of a lot, its actual biggest flaw is the fact that the author didnt have the balls as to use America Korea or Japan but changed a single letter of them all. Merica, Jaban and other things like that, but its pulls a what the **** on us readers a little after the Jaban arc and makes me hate it less. Otherwise, I enjoyed this more than a large number of other stories with similar plotlines and settings as character development is actually decent and the characters ter although unchanging in personality is fleshed out more.
Just got back on this site today, I mainly didn’t like the story because of how the mc just treats his fiancée who is with him for money(he knows it) better than his parent.
Ok. I understand your reasoning there. But the situation at the start called for it to, but then the further you go in(give it maximum 15 chapters, if you still think Hong Dali is an As$hole, I completely understand, because that's somewhat how the author portrayed him really early on.) you'll come to understand that Hong Dali doesn't treat them bad, it's just that it was how the character presumed the original was and didn't want to be to different to the original before figuring it out the situation. Once he understood (pretty early on mind you) his character soon becomes the lovable kind (spoiled child that everyone in the extended family loves except the jealous members) Overall, I say give the character a chance, more than 5 chapters, as the development is slow at the start. (Spoilers below, for both story and MASSIVE character traits that are, kinda inexpected) like, you can't hate a character that gives his own murderer a chance to convert to the side of good. Who spend earth's entire wealth to give years of life to his parents, he constantly forgives his enemies, and even befriends them when you truly believe he should kill them.
"like, you can't hate a character that gives his own murderer a chance to convert to the side of good. Who spend earth's entire wealth to give years of life to his parents, he constantly forgives his enemies, and even befriends them when you truly believe he should kill them" this is the type of mc that I would hate
Yes because we have too little of the "you look at me wrong ill kill your nine generations" type MCs we need more of them.