Takeaway: Reading this story is like listening to the drunken tale of a deranged mad man as he slowly trys to fumble through an incoherent story he can barely remember. So first we have to start with Writing Quality, I'm going to give this a solid 2. And that's only because the author got a little bit better over his time writing the story. Most of the use of prose and syntax is ill advised. Author also has the *******ish habit of using any synonym for said he can find in his story. Instead of painting a vivid picture of what happens through words the author tells you. Stability of Updates: A solid 1, if you start enjoying this novel, which you won't, don't expect any releases soon. Story Development: There is none, we have an mc reincarnated into a new world. We then get a flash back 30/57 chapters available. Then mc gets a McGuffin and sets off on some type of quest. Throughout it all the author consistently fails the reader to deliver a coherent narrative. This has a lot to do with the stability of updates, it just feels like the author keeps changing direction constantly at what he wants out of the story. Character Design: The mc is interesting, but all of the other characters lack any discerning soul or individuality that it's very disconcerting. They might as well all be named Random Stand in #1 or Random Stand in #2 from all the times the author introduces new characters that have no effect on the over arching plot. If a character isn't important don't even bother naming them. I mean half the characters introduced sit in a 30 chapter flashback, so it's pretty bad. The mother who is the star of the flashback is a walking piece of garbage with no redeeming qualities. World Background: Just your standard fantasy world, filled with mysteries and mystique that never quite get answered. At 57 chapters in we still barely know anything about the world, the op mc has barely set out on his Mcguffin warranted quest. I doubt the author even knows anything about it at this point to be honest. The world background was not well planned or taught out before writing. Might as well call the world DND Module World #32 for the lack of world building that goes on here. Detailed Explanation/Spoilers: It's honestly not worth the time or effort to read. I only read this because I thought the author knew a little about the tenants of story telling. None of that is to be found here. The novel was not outlined before writing, and the author lacks any sense of creativity. Reading this story is like meandering through a random DND module, with a very drunk Dungeon Master. The story starts off with your standard isekai, with a male protaganist reincarnated and being op from his memories of a past life. For some reason the author then chooses to spend half of the chapters in the story telling a flashback about his mothers prime. Yep, half the chapters available are a flashback with no relevance to the story... This is where the drunken meandering comes from. We don't even get to see the protag settle into his new life until around chapter 36. Yep, that's right you gotta read from around chapter 5 to chapter 36 on a random flash back that brings nothing relevant to the story. If the novel stopped at chapter 34 the main character would be Dene and she's nothing if not unlikable. No redeeming qualities what so ever. She even tells an explanative sex story to the 10 year old mc on how he was concieved in chapter 30. Yep no redeeming qualities. There's nothing unique that stands out about the characters presented, and this has to do with the authors failure to create any type of personality for the characters. There's nothing in the entire story that makes me even care about the story of the protaganist. I mean we did spend half the novel in the point of view of the unlikable Dene for one. After explaining to my son the joys of sex, lets go take him on a murder spree a few years later. Cause that's how you raise a 13 year old boy in a fantasy world. Oh my son's talented, he's perfect for this quest created by my mcguffin! Thankfully we don't have to deal with the sex and murder crazed mom anymore as she tragically dies around chapter 45. So the mother's story and everything was leading up to our mc having a tragic past, but it's not tragic at all because his mother's a walking piece of garbage. After that we finally get the pay off of the reincarnated wish fulfillment of the mc stomping around a fantasy world, cause you know he was reincarnated and trained by his walking piece of garbage mother in the art of murder. This goes off even worse, because the author just fails to tell a story with any redeeming qualities. By now you're completely phoned out of the story, not caring who the newly crowned op mc meets or interacts with, as he entirely mary sues his self through the world for around 20 chapters meeting random person #1 and random side character #10 all to show his superior prowess as a reincarnator with wisdom beyond his age trained into a living weapon by his living garbage mother. In closing the author had a cool premise and good ideas trying to mash together the tragic backstory, reincarnator, op mc tropes, But utterly fails in the attempt. This maybe could be a good story if the author was more experienced and rewrote this story entirely without the drunken meandering, but I digress. Well deserved 1.2/5 not worth your time.
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