
Review Detail of thestatsguy in Lord of Mysteries

Review detail


(Unfortunate author here, why is listed below Stats.) Website : qidian china Views : 53.49million Rating : 9.2(1629) Chapters : 563 Status : ongoing Rank : 4 Word count : 1.79million author level : platinum No of works : 6 Disscussion : 24871 Year started : 2018 Chinese title : 诡秘之主 At last it's here. Damn I've waiting far too long for this novel because of three reasons : 1. It's the book by my favorite author. 2. It's the best work from my favorite author. 3. It's really so fucking popular right now in China. (just look at the rank and views with only 563 chapters) But he really is an unfortunate author in this site. Reasons listed below. Three of his works are translated here. 1. Martial arts master : one of the best books with romance and action. This is actually my favorite romance novel. And martial arts fights are really sooo awesome in this book. But the reason for this not to be in rankings or popular bcoz one translation is ****, two no updates since atleast 2 months. Even with **** translation it was in rankings sometimes. 2. Throne of magical arcana : This is really one of the best webnovels with western magic elements with elements of science in it. It's basically epic magic, science and church novel. Translation too is really good for this novel but translator updates only 3 to 4 days a week which is also the reason it's not in rankings imo. 3. The sage who transcended the samsara : I wanted to try this. I really really wanted to try this. But it's said to have a very ****ty translation. People say it's a very unique and good novel, they also say translation is **** and end up dropping it. Now I'm really really happy because not only is this epic getting translated, it's getting translated by cktalon one the best translators out there. I only request one thing with you. Please keep the releases stable and I really thank you for taking up the translation for this novel. 🙏

Lord of Mysteries

Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

Liked by 2003 people




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Censored word is sh!t


that sage novel transator quality is bad but if u can read MTL u surely can read their translation. That sage novel is a premium novel (last time i checked 1 ch cost around 12 ss. not worth it if u consider how bad their translaton is)


Ah, so is this author? I personally find his works dragging and boring but I can recognize the quality, but I like more fast and ****** ones


i guess i should trust the instincts of a fellow reader :P


The sage who transcended samsara is one of my favorite novel with an unique setting I am reading it's mtl many expectation for this new novel


I agree with you, this is an amazing author. However MAM is sh*t imo. The author tries to give the MC a cheat only to make it so ridiculously underpowered, and useless at later levels, that they shouldn't have even given him one in the first place. MC Cheats/Golden Rings are my bread and butter, what can make a trash novel good (ie Gourmet Food Supplier would be sh*t without the system, that new Monster Pet novel is actually sh*t, but with the system it becomes a popcorn novel from a trash novel). The author failed spectacularly on the cheat department that I can only say MAM isn't worth reading, just because of that one fact. In Samsara the MC doesn't really have any cheats, besides foreknowledge of tropes/cliches, and this alone makes it better than MAM, as for Magical Arcana, this book is great on magic, experimentation, and just all around. It even gives the MC a powerful cheat! I can only hope the author doesn't mess up again with this one, by giving the MC a worthless cheat.... Although I would be happy if he did actually get a proper cheat.


Look for the people who are not too much of a fan of over dependence on cheats like me mam is a superb novel. And I don't think author failed because I don't think it as a cheat, I only think as a necessary push at the start of novel. I really like that what he achieves isn't because of cheat.

Leylin_Farlier:I agree with you, this is an amazing author. However MAM is sh*t imo. The author tries to give the MC a cheat only to make it so ridiculously underpowered, and useless at later levels, that they shouldn't have even given him one in the first place. MC Cheats/Golden Rings are my bread and butter, what can make a trash novel good (ie Gourmet Food Supplier would be sh*t without the system, that new Monster Pet novel is actually sh*t, but with the system it becomes a popcorn novel from a trash novel). The author failed spectacularly on the cheat department that I can only say MAM isn't worth reading, just because of that one fact. In Samsara the MC doesn't really have any cheats, besides foreknowledge of tropes/cliches, and this alone makes it better than MAM, as for Magical Arcana, this book is great on magic, experimentation, and just all around. It even gives the MC a powerful cheat! I can only hope the author doesn't mess up again with this one, by giving the MC a worthless cheat.... Although I would be happy if he did actually get a proper cheat.

I just need to know is it a harem or not


I do agree the over dependence on a cheat, especially one that doesn't truly belong to you (IE: System = Yours, Meng Hao's Copper Mirror = Easily Stolen) can get frustrating at times, but I am an avid believer in cheats. When I read a novel it is almost always as a self insert, with the protagonist representing myself (except none of these Chinese are lolicons! Need more Chinese to watch anime!). But yeah, different strokes. To me MAM is a novel that failed at the starting line, but to others its a novel that manage to stand out among the pile of cheat novels too. I just feel the cheat could have been done better, ya know? At least make it do something unique like every time he exerts himself to his limit (mental/stam/qi) the cheat would expand his mentality, strengthen his core, and widen his meridians. That way even if he becomes a god the cheat still has its uses. OH well. The romance definitely isn't bad though....... On a side note, one of the only non cheat novels I really liked is actually Godfather of Champions..... And I don't even like soccer/football.

thestatsguy:Look for the people who are not too much of a fan of over dependence on cheats like me mam is a superb novel. And I don't think author failed because I don't think it as a cheat, I only think as a necessary push at the start of novel. I really like that what he achieves isn't because of cheat.

Is it good? I've wanting to try that novel for so many days now but didn't try.

Leylin_Farlier:I do agree the over dependence on a cheat, especially one that doesn't truly belong to you (IE: System = Yours, Meng Hao's Copper Mirror = Easily Stolen) can get frustrating at times, but I am an avid believer in cheats. When I read a novel it is almost always as a self insert, with the protagonist representing myself (except none of these Chinese are lolicons! Need more Chinese to watch anime!). But yeah, different strokes. To me MAM is a novel that failed at the starting line, but to others its a novel that manage to stand out among the pile of cheat novels too. I just feel the cheat could have been done better, ya know? At least make it do something unique like every time he exerts himself to his limit (mental/stam/qi) the cheat would expand his mentality, strengthen his core, and widen his meridians. That way even if he becomes a god the cheat still has its uses. OH well. The romance definitely isn't bad though....... On a side note, one of the only non cheat novels I really liked is actually Godfather of Champions..... And I don't even like soccer/football.

2 deleted comments in a row, noice! And yeah, it is actually pretty good. Though I will warn you that the novel takes a turn after a while and pushes the focus away from the MC (can't remember, its either around 200 or 260 chapters in that it does this), which to me makes it harder to read. The novel is a lot of fun until that happens and manages to explain most football terms to even newbies like me. Even if you drop it once the MC takes the backburner the 200 chapters before are still a real treat. (If you actually like football, then the chapters after MC gets sidelined aren't that bad, but as someone who likes the novel instead of the sport it isn't for me after that).

thestatsguy:Is it good? I've wanting to try that novel for so many days now but didn't try.

Ohh good! And that two deleted comments were bcoz I accidentally pressed reply thrice

Leylin_Farlier:2 deleted comments in a row, noice! And yeah, it is actually pretty good. Though I will warn you that the novel takes a turn after a while and pushes the focus away from the MC (can't remember, its either around 200 or 260 chapters in that it does this), which to me makes it harder to read. The novel is a lot of fun until that happens and manages to explain most football terms to even newbies like me. Even if you drop it once the MC takes the backburner the 200 chapters before are still a real treat. (If you actually like football, then the chapters after MC gets sidelined aren't that bad, but as someone who likes the novel instead of the sport it isn't for me after that).

In MAM the romance is very nice, does this novel also have romance or not?


Mmm, Godfather of Champions is a Nice novel, I agree with you that In some point it starts building up the world again and leaves Tony a little bit left out but later on it takes back on the struggles of Tony (although it does not deliver the same amazing feeling of the start, because it becomes a LITTLE bit repetitive in the sports theme (I mean the world of sports is kind of like that with the seasons and all but the author gives surprises every arc) but the personal life of Tony becomes a good read)

Leylin_Farlier:2 deleted comments in a row, noice! And yeah, it is actually pretty good. Though I will warn you that the novel takes a turn after a while and pushes the focus away from the MC (can't remember, its either around 200 or 260 chapters in that it does this), which to me makes it harder to read. The novel is a lot of fun until that happens and manages to explain most football terms to even newbies like me. Even if you drop it once the MC takes the backburner the 200 chapters before are still a real treat. (If you actually like football, then the chapters after MC gets sidelined aren't that bad, but as someone who likes the novel instead of the sport it isn't for me after that).

I this harem?


I dunno. You should ask translator

ThyUnknownSaint:I this harem?

GOC IS S!!T IMO ( i like football, my opinion will contain he spoiler) 1: the MC is transported to the past and get another body (New body is Tony Twain). the original Tony Twain is not dead, he use the MC previous body, but.... the original Tony Twain isnt from the same timeline as the MC. Meaning: MC n Original Tony experience a body swap but only MC have the future knowledge since he is the only one who come from the future (a big flaw there) 2) almost all the (future good players) that he bought are good. i know he know about the future but its only knowing right? There is no gurantee that "that" player will be good under u. but somehow all the good players he bought are doing well. 3) his strategy its too ******. BUILD A WALL, use wingers, n bammm win. and the worst is actually in the first PL match (if i am not wrong): MC: "looks like i need to use my secret weapon" u know what is his secret weapon? ask the right back(rb) and left back(lb) to go forward. dude! u are from the future n u call that secret weapon? there is nothing secret in it bcause every PL club use that TACTIC AT THAT TIME! 4) the tl often upload the wrong chapter (GOC is premium novel)

thestatsguy:Is it good? I've wanting to try that novel for so many days now but didn't try.

I mean the author writes in terms of proper arcs, so most people will wait for lots of chapters than read. It's so good still waiting for Martial Arts Master to comeback T.T


oh! same author as TMA??!! definitely going to check it out


Lol you seemed awfully familiar with the story so I figured I asked, thanks for replying though. I guess only time will tell!

thestatsguy:I dunno. You should ask translator