I'm giving you a five star because I want to cheer you on, it is making me happy that a lot of fanfic writers here in webnovel/qidian is taking on the Naruto verse, just like you I'm writing one as well. I'd like to share my experience with you maybe we could also exchange notes so we could better our own stories. One there will definitely be crazy fans of the original series who would notice even the slightest mistake it could be on techniques, timeline or touching specific characters. That's ok, it's your story keep on writing but it would help a lot if you research on the characters who are already existing in the canon so that you could better write your plots not just that but also consider their impact on the whole series, again it is just my opinion you are free to do what you want. I also have my troubles with the English grammar since like you I'm not a native speaker, it would really help though if you could read western novels since they sort of enhance your skills in English while reading it. Reading up online in subject verb agreements and other rules would help too there are online quizzes that are not so hard to access it would probably increase your readers once they could better understand your writing... I'm still trying to improve on my English Grammar as well like everyone is I'm not perfect, I'll never be. Try to make an outline so that you have a clear goal on where your writing will take you and not to write blindly base on your whims... I once did that I sort of release a few not so good chapters. It would also help if you have designed your characters and other important characters end goal like what techniques can they use, what kind of mastery they have how strong could they be... clearly your novel has a system that could make a lot of things possible so you have to keep track of that. Compile your crazy ideas in a notepad or word file it helps, I've been doing it a lot. Don't look at the word count... it sorts of limit you as well, I think you should base the end of a chapter base on your feeling as a writer. It's just my opinion though. :) Be more descriptive in writing, I guess it is quite hard since we are not native speakers of the language but like what they all say the start is always the hardest. Once you get used to it everything will be more free flowing for you... I'm not saying it's already like that to me because like you I'm also a journeyman in writing, I guess my big flaw would be I'm very detailed with my chapters that it takes too long for a one chapter to end to the point that it might bore my readers. just like this review its really long now hahaha. Bad reviews and criticisms are your friends they would help you on what you could improve on, since they took the time to scrutinize your work why not use it for yourself and improve your novel. That's what I did I never took their criticism as an attack instead I liked it because they point out things I could improve on. I think of them as my best friends while writing the webnovel. Again you have a great Idea keep on writing and just like everyone else I'm also fan of your work waiting for what's going to happen next. If I said anything that offended you in this post/review I apologize it is not my intent it never is, I only wanted to share my experience and hoped that you could share yours as well. like you it is also my first time writing a webnovel I would really love it if someone out of nowhere give me suggestions and criticism on how I could improve my work basically an editor right... Good luck and God bless!
Liked by 6 people
LIKEwell for sharing experience? I didn't have much experience because basically I'm new writer! even though in the past I'm writing other novel that basically my original but the flaw is still same because its my obvious flaw! well it's just my experience while writing is become happy to see someone enjoyed your work while ignoring obviously advice like bad grammar then taking a note to some advice that has meaning to help. though there's some people might think that I need Editor, if I'm writing this to be payed then of course it's useful advice but because I didn't have bank account so I didn't even know about that! Someone tell me to create account bank so i can get my pay, at least that my work will give me some income that could be used as payment to hire some Editor or Helper that could basically cover my weakness? well i just know it's yesterday, it's quite shock to me that someone who tell me that i need editor is the person who possibly think that i get money! while i didn't know i can get it grom writing fanfic! that one who's telling me about it is explained that my payment will be counted from total viewers or reader per chapter!~
I'm not sure about the getting payed part since there will be copy write issues... since you know we are basically using their settings and some of their original characters. but who's telling if we actually get paid right I'll probably use it to buy coffee or tea and drink it as I write hahaha. Seriously if its grammar and better writing you could improve yourself slowly as you write so don't worry about it. take note of those nice people who makes really nice suggestions and look for their comments I have those readers as well even some who always try to correct grammar mistakes, I'm ok with since I'm slowly learning from what they are doing. don't be annoyed at what they are doing instead be thankful since its like having an unpaid editor hahaha. Good luck and God bless.
Yeah..you really need a editor and s new face so that you could face the world with a smile