
Review Detail of Trollbane in The Mech Touch

Review detail


I have been reading manga and manhwa for years ever since I shifted from paperbacks to digital media. The vast amount of material readily available with just a few taps on my phone just can't be compared. Even as web novels became more accessible and plentiful, I just haven't found one that could hold my interest after a few chapters until this came along my recommendations. It scratched every mecha itch I had. I also like how it keeps its focus in the present but hints at a vast world out there waiting to be explored. I feel like I'm late to the party with so many chapters ahead of me but I don't care, I want to see where Ves takes his story. I guess, this is my life now.

The Mech Touch


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As someone 4000 chapters in i can happily say you will love this story and the wild stuff ves gets into the author is a true master of world building.