
Review Detail of Viewless in The Mech Touch

Review detail


Well, when i picked up this novel 5-6 months ago, I enjoeyed it like a madman. When stellar-planetary arc started i suffered for quie a while waiting for it to be completed, when it did. i was quite happy and enjoyed this novel at that time, BUT ( here's why i dont recommend this novel) War arc starts- Honestly, it killed novel as a whole piece and i didnt even read all of chapters, just skipped new updates to see when it finally ends. Well 5 months later, im still waiting :) 0/10000 story development wise

The Mech Touch


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It just gets worse. 2k chapters in and the story is going no where fast in a new war arc is getting started. Joy. 5 chapters for an alt pov for a character to show up kill 2 expert pilots in 2-3 paragraphs. It was seriously like 4 chapters of bad lead up with characters just set up to die. Why would an author waste so much of their readers time and money?!