
Review Detail of Docnox in The Mech Touch

Review detail


This first couple arcs are a fantastic tale of industry intrigue and competition. There are awesome set pieces, mystery, exciting battles, all of which contribute to the overall plot. The second half is just a Star Trek rip off that even the protagonist can wait to end. Its boring, and has no clear weight on the main plot. There no stakes, no mech designs, no other fun characters (except Ketis way later) This isn’t the first time I’ve seen an author shoot there story in the foot by introducing a long and, at the end of the day, waste of time arc. Maybe theres a huge pay off at the end, but several hundred chapters to get there means you’re milking the story for your readers money more than advancing the plot.

The Mech Touch


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As a follow up. After that horrible arc, it picks back up quite well. Theres still the occasional strech of 3-10 chaps that are useless circular monologues. But otherwise the story continues to be full of fun action, wild twists, and rare bit of outright silliness. I do read it every day. When theres a strech that drags i just take a month off then cough up the big price to catch up.