
Review Detail of SnoopS in The Mech Touch

Review detail


The Mech Touch is one of the best original novel in this site, sadly it was become worst and worst. The story itself is interesting, the writing is a solid one, it is one of the best writing quality I have ever seen in original novel. So whats the problem? At first the story progress is slow but detailed about the MC, it was understandable as the author try to paint the world around MC. But what happen if that keep happening for 500 chapter? Then you got slow, full of bs and useless story or filler you may call. The story development become more and more slow, and you got a turtle pace story. Mob character get so much attention for 10-30 chapter and then disappear as they either dead, or become useless for the MC. Then you may think, why dont the author cut the filler, focus on the MC and stop making the story longer and longer than necessary? My answer, greed, the author is full of greed for your SS. Not it is wrong, not my problem, my problem is the time you wasted reading this useless filler story that got little to no impact to the MC and core story! You hope the story progress but for 3 days or 6 chapter and more it still stuck to that one battle with almost no relation to the MC, author keep making detailed BS of this mob character A who killed mob character B, C, D, E, F and so on so on. And it was not the first time he do it! While he keep making this BS nobody care, the character building become abandoned, many important side character got little to no story, and a mob character got more than 10 chapter, "u mad bro?" Another problem of this "detailed filler" is it wasnt even that interesting or correct enough, the chain command in the military is so bad and stupid the MC's country should be destroyed long ago. The mob character got to many explanation, you start to think maybe he become the next side chara, and then bam, no word anymore. Another time there is a filler full of mech battle, wait not that kind of mech battle, I mean what pilot in mech battle think in the fight, it wasnt even that interesting or important, and it got so many explanation! Like the reader care about that kind of BS! The author only want to increase word count like greedy chinese webnovel author, so he got more SS. Author build so many background BS, the story become so full of background story that got no explanation or attention for a long long long time! And he keeps adding more! The MC unfinished problem at chapter is maybe 1 or 2, but at chapter 500 he got 10 or more. There is no focus in the story, author is not just greedy about SS, but greedy about all kind of story development. It become to chaotic because of all the filler! This novel is a HONEY TRAP! It have excellent writing, but chaotic story development. You may read and think how good the story is at first, but as you go, and read far above 200 chapter, it become snail pace and full of filler. The problem is it was very subtle, and when you realize it you already read far to many chapter, therefore a honey trap, it was a good story until you realize it is a trash. Dont believe me? Read it yourself! Waste you time, I dont care. I only rant here because the author never read comment.

The Mech Touch


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Filler =/= info dump.


have you read it? bah, I dont care anyway, waste your time, or anybody time who believe that statement.

Tomoyuki:Filler =/= info dump.

I think you misunderstand me. People tend to mis-use the term filler. Filler refers to non-canonical material that was not in the original source. This is the original source and therefore canonical. But now people misuse the term filler to refer to anything they don't want to read, and anything they think is boring. That's not filler. Most of the time what people refer to filler is info dump because the author dumps a whole wall of text on the readers to explain the world even though it might seem irrelevant, dry or tedious. But that doesn't make it a filler, because fillers are non-canonical scenes created solely for an adaptation.

SnoopS:have you read it? bah, I dont care anyway, waste your time, or anybody time who believe that statement.

This is based on my understanding and quick search on google: "story filler is unnecessary text that might come between two scenes that move the plot forward. It can take the form of a sentence, a paragraph, dialogue (both internal and external) or even a whole chapter. “Unnecessary” mean that if you were to take out that piece of writing, the story would not lose continuity and the reader wouldn’t be confused. And you basically can take a whole chapter or even dozen chapters of Mech Touch story, and still understand what going on! Many reader also point this out in the comment section for long time. In my opinion, info dump is just a "good" way to say filler, which mean basically same thing. At anyway, the filler or "info dump" you said, is just a bunch of thing to prolong the story to got more stone, and create story not for the sake of the story itself, but the sake of money. Therefore author already forsake the point of making a great story, and instead make a mediocre, money driven story.

Tomoyuki:I think you misunderstand me. People tend to mis-use the term filler. Filler refers to non-canonical material that was not in the original source. This is the original source and therefore canonical. But now people misuse the term filler to refer to anything they don't want to read, and anything they think is boring. That's not filler. Most of the time what people refer to filler is info dump because the author dumps a whole wall of text on the readers to explain the world even though it might seem irrelevant, dry or tedious. But that doesn't make it a filler, because fillers are non-canonical scenes created solely for an adaptation.

Info dump is a bad thing. Weird, when I Google filler, it tells me it's non canonical content that is not from the original source material. Well, info dumps are bad, boring and tedious to read.

SnoopS:This is based on my understanding and quick search on google: "story filler is unnecessary text that might come between two scenes that move the plot forward. It can take the form of a sentence, a paragraph, dialogue (both internal and external) or even a whole chapter. “Unnecessary” mean that if you were to take out that piece of writing, the story would not lose continuity and the reader wouldn’t be confused. And you basically can take a whole chapter or even dozen chapters of Mech Touch story, and still understand what going on! Many reader also point this out in the comment section for long time. In my opinion, info dump is just a "good" way to say filler, which mean basically same thing. At anyway, the filler or "info dump" you said, is just a bunch of thing to prolong the story to got more stone, and create story not for the sake of the story itself, but the sake of money. Therefore author already forsake the point of making a great story, and instead make a mediocre, money driven story.

You're right! This IS a honey trap!


What are you talking about? I’ll admit that this happens sometimes but it’s to provide context and details I’ve never seen six chapters of a mech fight or other POV (this rarely ever happens not much POV change it’s more like ves telling us what’s happening) and I do admit the only character I remember from this story is ves ( And the major his dad mom and a few others)


Really honey trap you do know if you’re so butthurt there are novel black markets for novels like these right hint hint free hint


As for filler and info dumps first off info dumps are thin and spread through many chapters meaning when they do happen I rarely notice second of all where’s this filler you speak name one chapter don’t just sling that around and not provide evidence and don’t go “well this chapter with character development is filler nothing cool is happening” that’s not filler that’s to make people more invested and attentive to the story mi dude


if you don't know what I'm talking about you either are ignorant or downright stupid. Those who read this novel to at least ch 400 know how stupid the fillers are, there are many who actually complaint in the comment, mech fight is the tool of word count, everybody who read and have brain knows this. Saying "I’ve never seen six chapters of a mech fight or other POV" and then said "this rarely ever happens" show how your argument counter each other. Go back to school, please.

knightofnei4vr:What are you talking about? I’ll admit that this happens sometimes but it’s to provide context and details I’ve never seen six chapters of a mech fight or other POV (this rarely ever happens not much POV change it’s more like ves telling us what’s happening) and I do admit the only character I remember from this story is ves ( And the major his dad mom and a few others)

You are one ignorant and brainless people. Read my review seriously, I said this whole novel is wasting my time or in your case, wasting people who have brain time. If those who still reading this novel are people like you then go ahead, as I said in the review, waste your time, nobody cares!

knightofnei4vr:Really honey trap you do know if you’re so butthurt there are novel black markets for novels like these right hint hint free hint

this comment is the epitome of ignorant. Maybe right now the people who still read this novel are all like this. I know you have a problem with your intelligence, shown by your incoherent sentence. But saying the fillers are thin and spread is just plain ignorance, maybe you never read a real novel then. If so then try a real novel for a change, maybe it can help your knowledge. You don't need the heavy one, start from easy like Harry Potter then move to something like a science fiction novel (real novel not web novel). Then if you can go to the non-fiction one, maybe then you will know what I talk about. Now, however, it's like I'm arguing to a baby.

knightofnei4vr:As for filler and info dumps first off info dumps are thin and spread through many chapters meaning when they do happen I rarely notice second of all where’s this filler you speak name one chapter don’t just sling that around and not provide evidence and don’t go “well this chapter with character development is filler nothing cool is happening” that’s not filler that’s to make people more invested and attentive to the story mi dude

Dude I LOVE your replies to these people. LMAO!!!

SnoopS:this comment is the epitome of ignorant. Maybe right now the people who still read this novel are all like this. I know you have a problem with your intelligence, shown by your incoherent sentence. But saying the fillers are thin and spread is just plain ignorance, maybe you never read a real novel then. If so then try a real novel for a change, maybe it can help your knowledge. You don't need the heavy one, start from easy like Harry Potter then move to something like a science fiction novel (real novel not web novel). Then if you can go to the non-fiction one, maybe then you will know what I talk about. Now, however, it's like I'm arguing to a baby.

After 800+ chapters, I admit this book is filler filled, too much background talk and snail paced development. If only the author could fast pace the story a littel bit more.


The people who read this novel like myself skip 90% of the Vandal arc filler. The current arc has mech some design. I do not feel the need to read the missed 400 chapters to catchup, I do not believe they were written by same person.

SnoopS:this comment is the epitome of ignorant. Maybe right now the people who still read this novel are all like this. I know you have a problem with your intelligence, shown by your incoherent sentence. But saying the fillers are thin and spread is just plain ignorance, maybe you never read a real novel then. If so then try a real novel for a change, maybe it can help your knowledge. You don't need the heavy one, start from easy like Harry Potter then move to something like a science fiction novel (real novel not web novel). Then if you can go to the non-fiction one, maybe then you will know what I talk about. Now, however, it's like I'm arguing to a baby.

Who’s got time to read fan mail. Hehe. Author to busy living life inbetween releasing chapters 5-6 hours a day. The story is getting a lot better. As you have pointed out it’s one of the best original novels. Having to skip a few paragraphs of repetitive info dumps isn’t to bad with practice.(filler=side story. Info dumps are world building and I agree they should never be placed inbetween talking or repetitive as hell. A year later this story is....Time well wasted. Don’t expect author will ever cater to us. If he did Ves would already be face punching mechs. Problem? Fix it. Another problem. Fix it... “FUCKING BORING BRO...This is Sifi, not a Wuxia were every problem get solved within the next chapter with face punching. So what if Ves has 10 or more problems built up, it adds flavour to the story. 😎 Greed for SS? Great point... Also can you even bother naming 10 real books for us all to read better than this? Seriously we all would love to read better stories Or is Harry Porter your only recommendation. Whats with all the insults based around intelligence...Bro...who’s the childish baby. Don’t bother responding kid.


Oww we got a butthurt person over here, do you need me to give you some ointment for your hurt butt? Btw, I never see a legitimate reason for how good "The Mech Touch" in your comment, only some words defending the author like some crazed fan. Also for the "10 real books to read better than this", I seriously pity you if you ask me like really I feel pity. I mean you can search for all kinds of novels sold offline or online many times better than this, but asking me something better than Harry Potter showed how little your knowledge of the world of literature. But because I really feel pity, try to read one of the best novel in the world, The Lord of the Rings. The problem with "problems built up" is much more complex as the way Exlor the author use it is very immature, while in a real novel some problem uses it to grow the character and advance the plot, while he just uses it mostly to prolong the story. But I don't expect you to understand it since it seems you don't read that many books to understand it. And importantly, I see how you said "time well spend", well if you like how to spend your time reading low tier books, why should I dissuade you otherwise. Enjoy your time man, also thx for calling me a "kid", as feeling young is what everybody should appreciate, no matter the age.

Red_Goerge:Who’s got time to read fan mail. Hehe. Author to busy living life inbetween releasing chapters 5-6 hours a day. The story is getting a lot better. As you have pointed out it’s one of the best original novels. Having to skip a few paragraphs of repetitive info dumps isn’t to bad with practice.(filler=side story. Info dumps are world building and I agree they should never be placed inbetween talking or repetitive as hell. A year later this story is....Time well wasted. Don’t expect author will ever cater to us. If he did Ves would already be face punching mechs. Problem? Fix it. Another problem. Fix it... “FUCKING BORING BRO...This is Sifi, not a Wuxia were every problem get solved within the next chapter with face punching. So what if Ves has 10 or more problems built up, it adds flavour to the story. 😎 Greed for SS? Great point... Also can you even bother naming 10 real books for us all to read better than this? Seriously we all would love to read better stories Or is Harry Porter your only recommendation. Whats with all the insults based around intelligence...Bro...who’s the childish baby. Don’t bother responding kid.

I just didn’t think your review was any good. Just some ramblings really. Your comments to others was just as bad. Figured you’d come back to lash at me. Good job btw naming another book everyone has either read or watched...got anything new? Not for me. For the people. This review 2/10 at best. Peace ✌️

SnoopS:Oww we got a butthurt person over here, do you need me to give you some ointment for your hurt butt? Btw, I never see a legitimate reason for how good "The Mech Touch" in your comment, only some words defending the author like some crazed fan. Also for the "10 real books to read better than this", I seriously pity you if you ask me like really I feel pity. I mean you can search for all kinds of novels sold offline or online many times better than this, but asking me something better than Harry Potter showed how little your knowledge of the world of literature. But because I really feel pity, try to read one of the best novel in the world, The Lord of the Rings. The problem with "problems built up" is much more complex as the way Exlor the author use it is very immature, while in a real novel some problem uses it to grow the character and advance the plot, while he just uses it mostly to prolong the story. But I don't expect you to understand it since it seems you don't read that many books to understand it. And importantly, I see how you said "time well spend", well if you like how to spend your time reading low tier books, why should I dissuade you otherwise. Enjoy your time man, also thx for calling me a "kid", as feeling young is what everybody should appreciate, no matter the age.

Wow so you think someone who watch LOTR already understand the original novel? Just wow, you doesn't seem appreciate real novel then, I bet anything I told at this point will be just another "get me another novel" comment from you. If my review is bad, your reply is definitely a trash one, I dont even remember you defending the novel, only some superficial argument about author, questionable perspective about the novel genre, and some insult telling me a kid. And now you just replying my review is bad 2/10 with no context why is bad other than "rambling". Also telling how LOTR is not worth nothing because everybody already watch it. Your ignorance and pretentiousness is off the chart, I will not recommend other book because a SANE man can find it in the internet. You obviously just a living manchild with no argument worth discussing whatsoever. And for that I recommend you read not a novel but a self improving book.

Red_Goerge:I just didn’t think your review was any good. Just some ramblings really. Your comments to others was just as bad. Figured you’d come back to lash at me. Good job btw naming another book everyone has either read or watched...got anything new? Not for me. For the people. This review 2/10 at best. Peace ✌️

Haha.. figures calling you Kid bothered you. Both Potter & Lotr have been out for decades. Who’s not read either of these kids books. Yea no point once you watch it. Read it then watch it maybe. I read the top liked reviews and yea.. yours was the worst of em. You come back here to reply to almost everyone unless they pat you on the back(basically one hater). You insult those who reply and everyone who reads The Mech Touch. If your smart you’ll just delete your review if not.. everyone can see how childish you are by reading all the comments. Time to grow up. Reading a self improvement book? thank you I’ll borrow yours when your finished it

SnoopS:Wow so you think someone who watch LOTR already understand the original novel? Just wow, you doesn't seem appreciate real novel then, I bet anything I told at this point will be just another "get me another novel" comment from you. If my review is bad, your reply is definitely a trash one, I dont even remember you defending the novel, only some superficial argument about author, questionable perspective about the novel genre, and some insult telling me a kid. And now you just replying my review is bad 2/10 with no context why is bad other than "rambling". Also telling how LOTR is not worth nothing because everybody already watch it. Your ignorance and pretentiousness is off the chart, I will not recommend other book because a SANE man can find it in the internet. You obviously just a living manchild with no argument worth discussing whatsoever. And for that I recommend you read not a novel but a self improving book.