
Review Detail of DoggyPoo in Rebuilding the Sun Kingdom!

Review detail


The main character is so fucking ridiculous that i couldnt get pass the 1st chapter. Fuck this trash! This is like how a 12 year old with no friends and is bitter about some nonsense wishes he would suddenly get superpowers and become and edgelird *** god. What a awful premise as well. If these two idiots are the greatest of the bunch i cant even image how ridiculous everything else will be


Rebuilding the Sun Kingdom!


Liked by 6 people




If you couldn't get passed the first chapter than you shouldn't write a review, you have no real basis, just stop reading if you don't like it, it's a relatively new author with plenty of room to improve, 1 chapter isn't good enough to write a review on, you have no idea if it might actually be good later on, you are just too impatient and annoying to bother, you don't deserve to be reading this book if that's your mindset.


I gave the caviate that i only read one chapter. Anyone reading it should understand that.

Angus_MacG:If you couldn't get passed the first chapter than you shouldn't write a review, you have no real basis, just stop reading if you don't like it, it's a relatively new author with plenty of room to improve, 1 chapter isn't good enough to write a review on, you have no idea if it might actually be good later on, you are just too impatient and annoying to bother, you don't deserve to be reading this book if that's your mindset.