
Livros de Romance lightsaber para Ler Online - WebNovel

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  • Release That Succubus

    Zach was a sci-fi game enthusiast who unintentionally crossed over to a magical isekai. Fortunately, he had access to the previous game system and could fight the magic-savvy aborigines with high-tech weapons. “Magic? No, I have the lightsaber. ” Unlike what he expected, the system presented him with a different way of leveling up. He had to get some kind of special energy from the pretty girls' bodies on this planet so that he could unlock his weapons. "What the hell happened? Is my sperm capable of upgrading girls? Can my blood cause those girls to burst out instantly?" This was incredible. The succubi were a hated race in the magical isekai because they oversucked male sperm and killed men, but not Zach. Surprisingly, the majority of the special energy that Zach required was distributed in succubi. He appeared to be having a fantastic journey.

    different_minds · Fantasia
  • Transmigrated into the BL World (Homewrecker Fujoshi)

    Jinli Yu is a regular 22 years old student, single , no boyfriend since birth. Her reasons? It's very simple, she is a hardcore rotten fujoshi who loves to ship boys with each other. She was pulling all the nighter reading her favorite BL books. One day , while she was on her way to school,she found an injured little cat, Jinli put it inside her bag until a newly opened BL Bookstore caught her attention. She was very delighted exploring what's inside. Jinli was busy scanning the books when the cat suddenly escaped her bag, she followed it quietly to avoid gaining attention. The cat led her to a secret staircase. It was a BL Portal! "Ow! My head hurts! What happened to me? Why is it so dark?" BEHOLD! WELCOME TO THE BL WORLD! "Umm? Who are you?" I AM DICCU! THE HOMEWRECKER SYSTEM! YOU CANNOT ESCAPE YOUR DESTINY! Jinli Yu was transmigrated into the BL world as a homewrecker! Can she handle the mission!! A fujoshi being a homewrecker between a boy's love? Will she finally experience having a lightsaber thing? Let's find out!! Hello!! Your author Yohan here! I am here again, writing another transmigration novel! Please expect some: -comedy scenes -expect the unexpected -different twist -exciting story line Thank you so much!! Have fun reading it! Let's talk! Discord: @Yohan#6080 Cover not mine, credits to the rightful owner

    yohan26_ · LGBT+
  • The Weapon Store Owner is Secretly Overpowered

    Allen Cromwell found himself transported to an apocalyptic world, where he assumed the role of a weapon store owner. Despite his easy-going and kind-hearted demeanor, there lurked a secret layer of caution and goal-oriented determination within him. This new reality proved to be more complex than he initially imagined. Populated by countless constellations and menacing demons, where crime thrived, and survival was uncertain, Allen managed to carve out a peaceful existence. He did so by selling weapons to kind-hearted customers, some of whom even expressed their gratitude with thoughtful gifts. Little did he know... “How in the hell is this a revolver? It’s clearly a dragon slayer!” “Ha! You say this is a lightsaber? Then how was it able to tear that mountain?” Amused by his customers' humorous interpretations, Allen decided to play along with their delusions and fantasies, adding a touch of humor to his otherwise unpredictable life. … Note: All the free chapters will be 1,200-1,500 words. From the locked chapters, the word count will be increased to 1,500-2,000 words. …

    1st_Manga_KING · Fantasia
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  • No Money to Build a Mech? No Worries, I Will Help

    "Shocking! Rising superstar Zhou Chuchu was spotted having a secret meeting with a suspected scammer at a villa. Is this true or not? We hope the two goddesses can respond." In just a few minutes, this super eye-catching hot topic quickly pushed aside other trending topics and made its way to the top ten headlines, causing a heated discussion among netizens. Netizens speculated about what kind of scumbag could deceive two A-list national goddesses, not only swindling their fortunes but also exposing their secret meetings. Zhou Chuchu: Xiao Yuyao, I'm sorry. I don't have much money left. This is all I can give you. I hope you won't be disappointed. Yang Mimi: You really are a gold digger. You spent all the money from my last pay so quickly. Well, all my money is here. Take it. Suddenly, Xiao Yuyao had a thought, and a cold light flashed. A dark-colored hilt appeared in his hand, with a faint blue light shining at the center of the hilt, seemingly an energy cube for storing power. Buzz. The hilt made a buzzing sound, and a bright white energy beam formed at the front end, condensing into a sword-like shape under everyone's gaze. The unstable slight fluctuations of the beam quickly stabilized, forming a unique lightsaber with a freely adjustable form. It was about one meter long with a 10-centimeter-wide blade of light, and its power was yet to be determined. Xiao Yuyao tilted his head to look at the lightsaber, something extremely cool that only appeared in science fiction movies and was possessed by the protagonist. He lightly swung it, a smirk appearing on his lips. A cold voice resounded from above: "Energy storage remaining: 99%. Stability: 80%."

    Alone In The Dark Alley · Urbano
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  • The Third Wars

    When talking about World War 3, most people usually imagine a nuclear apocalypse or nuclear war. A war that will completely exterminate human civilization, leaving only radiation and the ruins of destroyed cities on Earth. What if, however, in a parallel universe in which the Soviet Union survives after 1991, nuclear weapons don't exist, and World War 3 is a war with the most advanced weapons from both NATO and the Soviet Union? A place where M1A1 Abrams and T-14 Armata collide and tremble the ground, where F-35 and Su-57 terrorize the skies. How would a war like this look like? And what if, even military weapons that were thought to come out of science fiction, such as laser guns, jetpacks, and lightsabers are used in The Third Human Global Conflict? Although everything would appear to be incredibly epic, it all began with a simple terrorist attack on New York City, which would slowly drive humans toward total annihilation. ---------------NOTE--------------- In this novel, I will call NATO as The Alliances, because the Alliances is a league where all anti-communist nations come together rather than just "North Atlantic nations". Also, everything in the Novel is entirely fictional, meaning that the whole world history in this novel is all made up and based on the real world, so don't accuse me of historical inaccuracies.

    Joshi_Minh · Guerra
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  • Living in the Zombie Apocalypse with a Shopping System

    "Can I buy a medium-rare steak? I'm hungry." [Here, it's 0.5 Origin Point.] "Do you have any medicine that can power me up permanently?" [Yes, you can see on your tablet as it has shown you the research result on what you can buy right now. We recommend you to buy the Tyrant Injection to boost your strength and speed.] "I need some weapon that can cut this thing in two." [We recommend you to buy the 'Lightsaber III Edition' at a discounted price of just 69 Origin Point] What will you do, if you have a shopping system that can get you anything in a zombie's infested world? Follow Nigel Oneal as he gets a second chance to try it all over again in surviving the harsh world full of zombies while helping rebuild the society with the help of a shopping system! --- I'm pausing this novel for now as I've had tons of things left unattended to figure out in my life. Buy me a coffee to accompany my writing journey: https://ko-fi.com/claudistopod Cover from Magzmedia at Pixabay website.

    Claudistopod · Ficção Científica
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  • God To Machine

    Joining WPC :D The Era of Magic and Technology, the era in which Machina, a former game developer was reincarnated to. It has been two years since he came into this parallel world. Mech, Mage, Flying on a broom, spaceships, Real Magic, lightsabers, Things that Machina had only seen in movies and anime existed here. Life was great here, lives of humans have become easier, many lived in happiness and peace. That was the other side of the coin. On the other side, behind this peace and happiness were endless wars, poverty, and suffering, it was truly the dirty nature of humans that tainted this world, even with the threat of beings called Outer Gods. Humans never stopped killing each other. Machina lived on the dirty side of the coin, even with the privileged of a Reincarnator, Machina had to venture to the junk city which where the Arvan Kingdom dumps theirs trashes. Here the smell of oil, sh*t, trash, and rusting metal was mixed together. And this is also where his legend starts

    LazyTanaka · Ficção Científica
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  • Corrupted Hero in Futuristic World

    It all began with a cliché hero story. A world called Terra needed a hero and the king ordered the priest to summon one from another world. Axl, a typical 21-year-old university student, was selected as Terra's greatest hero. The hard-working hero was able to reach his maximum level in a year and overcome the dark lord. The dark lord was defeated. But just as he believed everything was going according to plan, the dark lord trapped him in the crystal and put him into cryosleep. The hero had been forgotten as the world had once more returned to peace. A thousand years later, he was awakened from his long slumber by Shea, the princess of the lost Moonstar Empire. He discovered that his surroundings had changed. The space shuttle had replaced the carriage, and the sword was now the lightsaber. Does a hero like him still have a place in this futuristic world? What does the princess want from him? ------- Note: this story mixes sci fi, system and magic. There will be space battles but not in the early chapters. And yes, please expect a lot of alien technology and magic technology. Tags: Comedy , Tentacles, Monster Girls , Aliens , Magic , Demons , Beasts , Action , Space Battles , Technology, Cyborgs, System, Overpowered , Handsome Male Lead , Smart Male Lead, Carefree Male Lead and Slice of Life. Join my discord channel for illustrations: https://discord.gg/mSRHyMVhnG Power Stones Goal! 400 Power Stone = 1 bonus chapters 300 Golden Ticket= 1 bonus chapter Magic Castle= 2 bonus chapters

    UnholyGod · Ficção Científica
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  • Star Wars. Little Hope.

    Explore Darth Vader's early history! Picking up after Star Wars 3 Revenge of the Sith. Follow Vader as he receives his legendary red lightsaber and Rises to power as the Dark Lord of the Sith! When Anakin Skywalker fell both to the dark side and the blade of Obi-wan, he fell back up, more machine then man. Having lost everything that was once dear to him, he now takes his first steps into a darker world- beginning by hunting down and eradicating the remaining Jedi. But Ani Kenobi once his loveable wife is making a desperate effort to gather and preserve whatever she can of the religion's legacy. Palpatine sees her as a particular threat to the Empire- does her knowledge make her the Chosen One?

    JacobLaRowe23 · Ficção Científica
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  • A New World [Luke Skywalker x OC]

    Gwen Parker lives a normal mundane life on earth studying archaeology at a university in London. What will happen as she is thrown into a new world of star ship battles and lightsaber wielding strangers? And what will happen when she isn't the only one to get transported to a galaxy far, far away? ••• This is a romance story as well as an action and adventure story centred around Star Wars episode IV A New Hope. -Luke Skywalker x OC -Star Wars -A New Hope -Series -Book 1

    AriesLunaAngel · Ficção Científica
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  • Ronin's Redemption: A Clone Wars Odyssey

    In the unfolding story, we follow the complex character of Kaelus Vossar, a once-promising Jedi Padawan under the guidance of Jedi Master Shaak Ti. Born on the distant planet of Seriphis, Kaelus exhibited a unique affinity for both the light and dark sides of the Force, setting the stage for a life marked by duality. Kaelus's training and fall from grace are central to his character's development. Under Master Shaak Ti's tutelage, he became known for his unorthodox dual-wielding lightsaber technique, combining both a red and a blue blade. However, his insatiable curiosity led him to explore the forbidden depths of the Force, ultimately pushing him towards the dark side. His fall into darkness culminated in a confrontation with a Sith artifact that nearly consumed him, leading to his expulsion from the Jedi Order. Kaelus's life takes a drastic turn as he becomes a nomadic mercenary for the Galactic Republic, using his mastery of both light and dark sides of the Force for morally ambiguous missions. Kaelus's character is marked by complexity, torn between the light and dark aspects of his nature. He is fiercely loyal to those he chooses to protect, despite his internal conflict. Throughout his journey, we see Kaelus crossing paths with notable characters from the Star Wars universe, including Jedi Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, whom he knew from their time as younglings in the Jedi Academy. He also encounters the enigmatic Sith apprentice, Asajj Ventress. The story delves into Kaelus's past, revealing how he was expelled from the Jedi Order after falling to the dark side during a mission to a Sith temple. The Jedi Council's decision to cast him out marks a turning point in his life, leading him down a path that ultimately leads to the birth of the enigmatic mercenary known as "Ronin." As the tale unfolds, we witness themes of redemption, moral ambiguity, and the consequences of straying from the Jedi path, all set against the backdrop of the Star Wars universe. The choices Kaelus makes will shape his destiny and impact the galaxy far, far away.

    Kajunphlame27 · Ficção Científica
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