
Livros de Romance leo valdez birthday para Ler Online - WebNovel


  • Magic System in a Parallel World

    Leo is an academic genius who enrolled in one of the top universities in the world for the rich and powerful, but he was born in a common family, which was more than enough of a reason for the other students to mess with him. On one fateful day, Leo found himself transported to a parallel world that was ravaged by monsters and where magic ruled supreme. Fortunately, he was gifted with a Magic System, giving him unlimited potential. How will Leo, who has no knowledge of magic or experience in fighting, survive this grim world filled with the unknown while being an ordinary person himself— or so he thought.

    MyLittleBrother · Fantasia
  • Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

    In a world where martial artists reign supreme, strength is everything. Unfortunately, that logic doesn't apply to a certain Florida Man. Refined in the nuclear fallout wasteland, Leo was the strongest mutant alive. He carried an alien artifact, allowing him to exchange his lifespan for modern items. After 50,000 years of solitary life in a humanless world, he collected enough lifespan to transmigrate to another habitable world. Leo was later thrown into a mysterious planet. He soon discovered that his body produced radiation, and it mutated the surrounding plants and grasses. Worrying that he might ruin the beautiful planet, he chose to live in seclusion. Unfortunately, the local population soon discovered his existence, and a misunderstanding ensued.

    DamnPlotArmor · Fantasia
  • Everyone Is A Lord: My Talent Is A Little Too Strong

    1 billion people from the Earth woke up and discovered that they had transmigrated to an alternate world. They possessed their own land and had become lords. They had to struggle to survive in a foreign world by attacking other cities and conquering new lands. Leo Ray received the God Tier talent [Golden Touch]. He could turn stone into gold and upgrade items. [Congratulations! Your Rank One Recruitment Tag has been upgraded to Rank Five Recruitment Tag.] [Congratulations! Your Rank Two Weapon: Crescent Moon Blade has been duplicated 101 times.] [Congratulations! Your Rank Three Weapon: Great Land Two-handed Sword has been upgraded to Rank Five Weapon: Dragon Slayer Sword.] … [Congratulations! You have become the world’s first Lord with a Level Two Mansion.] [Congratulations! You have become the world’s first Lord to completely kill off a boss.] [Congratulations! You have become the world’s first Lord to conquer a city.] … While others were still working hard to gather resources, Leo Ray monopolized the market and made everyone work for him. While others were still toiling away at establishing their villages, Leo Ray’s grand city had already been built. While others were still risking their lives to withstand the attacks of the surrounding monsters with villagers, Leo Ray had already amassed an army and was conquering cities and lands.

    Morning Breeze Arrives · Jogos
  • Divine Hack System

    The world has become a video game-like place. Monsters began to appear everywhere on the planet, governments began to dispatch armies to protect cities, but powerful monsters were unaffected by common weapons. When despair was about to make humanity destroy itself, people began to awaken powers that made them strong enough to deal with the mighty monsters. These people were called "Awakened Ones". Years passed and society got used to dealing with monsters. Children who once dreamed of becoming actors, musicians or youtubers, now dreamed of "Awakening" to receive powers, fight monsters and receive the fame and money that came with this dangerous profession. Leo was also like those children, and when he turned 17 his powers also awakened, but very different from what he imagined it would be. [Congratulations, you have awakened the "Hack" power. Your first skill is "Aim-bot."] [Aim-bot: Regardless of which weapon you use, no shot will miss.] And the stronger Leo got, the more powers he would unlock. "Aim-Bot, Wall Hack, Speed ​​Hack, Fly Hack, Kill-Aura, Teleport Hack… all the hacks people used in games now I can use in real life?!" Leo was shocked when he saw the abilities he would unlock. "I often heard people say that the world is a playground for rich and powerful people, now this will become my own playground!" Leo told himself a few years ago as a joke, but no one could have imagined that those words would become an absolute truth years later. ........................... This novel is being edited by: Azurtha. Visual Representations and Novel Discussion in: https://discord.gg/ky35Kv7GHr

    NunuXD · Fantasia
  • Íleo: El Príncipe Oscuro

    ``` Huyendo de la boda que tanto temía con el Príncipe Heredero Aed Ruad, la Princesa Anastasia terminó convirtiéndose en la cautiva del hombre más peligroso de la Leyenda, el Príncipe Íleo. Ella conoce un secreto que quiere intercambiar con él pero el precio es alto. Y Íleo… él la desea y algo más. Sumérgete en el mundo oscuro y misterioso de Anastasia e Íleo mientras luchan contra la seducción, el poder, la avaricia y una atracción enloquecedora. ¿Logrará Anastasia liberarse de él? ¿Alcanzará Íleo su propósito? ¡Únete a ellos para sentirlo! Otras novelas de esta serie incluyen: Confesiones Salvajes: Adriana y el Alfa (Completado) El Príncipe Alfa del Creciente Plateado (Completado) La portada me pertenece. Está encargada. Artista de la portada: Micehellwd ```

    MishaK · Fantasia
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  • Married To A CEO. Omega

    Erwin Warner is a material dominant alpha with a very unsteady financial background. Though he has the face of an angel, his personality is the polar opposite. He can even kill a person if there is enough money paid for that. Leo Snow is an exceptionally beautiful dominant omega. Even the gods envies his unparalleled beauty from the heavens. He has a very strong personality and is very picky about his partner. He can be as deadly as his face when the time comes. Jean Snow, a very unstandable uncle of Leo, who has an unsubmissive greed for everything Leo has, that doesn’t exclude the Snow Groups and Company. Even being the blood brother of Leo’s father doesn’t change the fact that he is exceedingly obsessed with this pretty, small omega nephew of his.

    Nj_Ashart · LGBT+
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  • Supreme Mastry

    What happens when an ordinary boy who was bullied by everyone gets some power techniques through a tragic event? On the Aetherblade Continent, multitudes of sects and powerful cultivators are as numerous as trees. To save his family, Leo had no alternative but to constantly cultivate and attend a sect to request a favor. By coincidence, a sword-shaped crystal of unknown origins entered Leo's body, carrying innumerable top-class martial talents, formidable martial arts, and all you could want! A Supreme Martial Legend journey begins here.

    ShadowXBlade · Fantasia
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  • MY LUST SYSTEM: War Against The Heavens

    Is it worth it? What is the use? Why even bother? These questions have plagued Leo all his life. From losing his parents at a young age and grandparents later on, teaching him the futility of life. He lived a boring and uneventful life until fate caught up to him. Ding! [Congratulations! You have been chosen the inheritance of Lust] [Rejoice, you have been chosen by the demon Lord to lead the war against the heavens] The introduction of the system into his life soon turned it into something adventurous. Tasked with sleeping with virgins, seducing the righteous, and spreading immorality to the entire realm, Leo is exposed to a world he never knew existed. The war against the heavens will not be easy and as one of the seven deadly sins chosen by the demon lord, Leo has become a target of the supreme deity and the hosts of heaven leaving him no choice but to sleep with women and share the joy of lust to the world in exchange for power! "A difficult task but it is one I am willing to fulfill!" [New mission acquired] [Task: Seduce and Sleep with….] [Extra information: As the wielder of the Lust inheritance. Host gains strength through sexual intercourse and engaging in immoral activities.] [Reward: Unknown] [Penalty; Unknown]

    3_Sins_Studios · Fantasia
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  • Si Genius Leo

    Leo anak laki-laki lahir dengan mewarisi gen dari ayahnya yang genius, namun saat umurnya memasuki tahun ke 4 sebuah kecelakaan merubah kehidupannya, kegeniusan yang dimilikinya lenyap seketika dan penderitaan terus datang silih berganti. Namun ia memilih terus maju untuk mendapatkan kegeniusannya yang telah lenyap, di saat yang sama ia tidak sadar karena rasa sakit itu, membuatnya membangkitkan kemampuan khusus yang dimiliki oleh seorang genius. Hingga ia masuk di SMA Sarien yang merupakan salah satu sekolah populer di daerah tersebut, sifat yang awalnya tidak peduli dan dingin mulai berubah ketika bertemu dengan teman-teman kelas yang baik. Leo juga bertemu dengan Niza Eriana, seorang gadis kaya-raya, paling populer di sekolah tersebut karena kecantikannya, namun di balik kesempurnaannya ia memiliki kesedihan yang sama dengan Leo, Mereka pun mulai mendekat dan saling bertukar cerita. Di tengah kehidupan Leo yang terus mencoba melupakan masa lalu, seorang murid bernama Lira yang juga sangat genius dan begitu mirip dengan adik perempuannya Shin, membuat dirinya memiliki harapan, di sekolah tersebut ia juga bertemu dengan murid misterius yang bisa mengendalikan "Aura" yang merupakan dasar utama untuk mendapatkan kemampuan khusus bagi seorang genius sejati. Dukung selalu si Genius Leo ^_^ ^_^

    Umam_Young · Fantasia
  • La Tienda General del Hombre de Florida en el Mundo de Cultivo

    ``` —En un mundo donde los artistas marciales reinan supremos, la fuerza es todo. Desafortunadamente, esa lógica no se aplica a cierto Hombre de Florida. —Refinado en el páramo de la lluvia nuclear, Leo era el mutante más fuerte vivo. Portaba un artefacto alienígena, que le permitía intercambiar su esperanza de vida por artículos modernos. Después de 50,000 años de vida solitaria en un mundo sin humanos, reunió suficiente esperanza de vida para transmigrar a otro mundo habitable. —Leo fue después arrojado a un misterioso planeta. Pronto descubrió que su cuerpo producía radiación, y mutaba las plantas y hierbas circundantes. Preocupado por arruinar el hermoso planeta, eligió vivir en reclusión. —Desafortunadamente, la población local pronto descubrió su existencia, y surgió un malentendido. ```

    DamnPlotArmor · Fantasia
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  • World's Most Stunning Divorcee

    When Alicia Valdez's devoted husband offered divorce, there wasn't much surprise. She moved out, resumed her previous employment and began to live alone. Later, when her husband saw her on TV one day, he regretted having divorced her and became her slave, yearning for her return until he was crushed on her wedding day...

    Treein · Urbano
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  • The Witness: Hello! My Love!

    (Strictly no r*pe) What would you do if you woke up one day and realized you are been haunted by the ghost of a former friend? Nicole and Lizzy were best friends way back in the University but because of the love of a man, they fell apart. 5 years have past since they last saw each other but Lizzy suddenly reappears to Nicole as a ghost and seeks her help in uncovering the cause of her death because apparently Nicole is the only one who can see her. What happens to her lingering feelings and will Leo be able to forget about Lizzy and look at Nicole for once? Will Leo be willing to help Nicole heal from her pain of been dumped a week to her wedding? Most importantly, will Leo be able to protect Nicole from the people who killed Lizzy? What will become of Nicole's life as she is surrounded by ghosts who want to possess her body and people who want her dead? The Witness has all the answers.... "Nikki, if you were to choose, which part of Leo are you the most curious about after meeting him again after five years?" Lizzy asked as they sat on the graveyard. "I am not curious about anything. Leo is dead to me" "Am I really dead to you?" a voice asked behind Nicole and when she turned she saw him. "You... you, what are you doing here?" she stuttered and turned to ask for help from Lizzy but found no one, 'damn, that ghost tricked me again' Leo squatted in front of her and stared at her curiously. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked. "I want to test it out" "Test what out?" "Whether I am really dead to you or not?" he said and leaned in to kiss her. A while later, Nicole opened her eyes and stared at her ceiling and muttered, "it was only a dream again. Am I going to die and become a virgin ghost at this rate?" PS: As this book is in the Spooky WPC contest, I hope you kindly support me with power stones and also give me a review if you think it deserves one. I welcome all suggestions. Thanks. NB: Book cover does not belong to me. Credits to the owner for such a beautiful cover, fell in love with it. Thanks @Islinda for the cover design which I totally suck at. Friendly Reminder; Hi everyone, I've decided to join this year's WSA with a new book titled; "I am Sabrina (Cursed By Love). Kindly check it out and thank you.

    Purplebride · Fantasia
  • Leo's Heart

    an academy organized for special kids who have supernatural powers

    Sevil_Ryuk_ · Ação
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