
Livros de Romance ju ju kaisen para Ler Online - WebNovel


  • The Quest Is Simply To NTR All The Heroes

    When a failed quest turned Kaisen's gaming session into a one-way ticket inside the very JRPG world he was playing, his fate took a thrilling and unexpected twist. It's a cold and unforgiving JRPG realm, but there's a silver lining: the girls are drop-dead gorgeous! Yet, this isn't your typical hero's journey. His quest? To cleverly outmaneuver and NTR the people around him, testing his charm and strategy skills. With his eye on the prize and a host of beautiful companions by his side, Kaisen is ready to give it his all and complete the quest. Let the adventure begin! [Main Quest: Save Alice, the Stargazer.] 'Oh, wow! I'm a saviour--' [Quick Time Event: Grab Alice's bubble butt.] 'Never mind.'

    The_Thunder_Lord · Fantasia
  • Alfa Damien's Breeder: A primeira noite

    Ela era apenas uma humana que queria viver uma vida pacífica no campo quando encontrou seu companheiro. Ele era o Alfa workaholic que nunca se entregava aos prazeres mundanos, em vez disso, ele derivava alegria de ser poderoso. Seu destino se entrelaçou quando ambos possuíam o que ansiavam, paz e amor. __________________ Antes de completar a idade de 18 anos, Alfa Lucas da Matilha Clown Lovers reivindicou ser o companheiro de Aurora e quis torná-la sua Luna. Infelizmente, ela foi acusada de infidelidade no dia do seu casamento e foi rejeitada pelo homem que afirmava ser seu companheiro e que a amava. Teve que testemunhar a morte de seus pais e sua herança ser arrancada dela. "Eu, Lucas Dominion, rejeito você, Madison Aurora, como minha companheira." ……………………………………….. Depois de ser vendida como escrava, ela foi comprada para ser reprodutora do Alfa da matilha Crescent Red, a mais influente e maior matilha do país. Damien, que era o Alfa da matilha Crescent moon, não poupou um olhar para Aurora, e ela foi jogada na parte mais profunda da mansão para trabalhar com os ômegas. Cinco anos mais tarde, ela tinha meticulosamente planejado a morte de seus pais, pronta para colocar o plano em ação. Infelizmente, Alfa Damien, que a negligenciou por anos, de repente teve seu interesse aguçado e não a deixará sair de vista. Aurora, que nunca acreditou que poderia ser abençoada com outro companheiro, decidiu não se apaixonar novamente. Vendo como o Alfa a favorecia, decidiu aproveitar sua ajuda e vingar a morte de seus pais. As mesas viraram quando ela descobriu que ele era seu companheiro, outro companheiro? ………………………………………… "Companheiro? Não tenho tal coisa," ela disse, negando o faísca que sentia entre ela e Damien, mesmo que fosse evidente. Seu coração se aqueceu com a voz dele, seu rosto se aqueceu com o toque dele. Ele já havia despedaçado sua resolução, mas ela jurou não ser fraca novamente. Ainda assim, como ela poderia negar que não sentia nada por ele quando ele tinha tais efeitos sobre ela? Mas ela estava com medo, aterrorizada por ser traída por seu companheiro novamente! Havia casos raros de ter dois companheiros, por que a deusa da lua lhe concedeu tal destino? "Você não pode negar isso para sempre, e não tenho intenção de deixar você ir," ele disse, os olhos cheios de raiva, vendo como ela estava tão enojada com a ideia de tê-lo como companheiro. "Não tenho nada para oferecer a você." Ela tentou convencê-lo para tirá-lo do transe em que estava. Se ao menos soubesse que ele estava em seu juízo perfeito. "Eu só preciso da minha companheira," dizendo isso ele deu passos pesados em direção à porta e a bateu com força após sair. Depois de encontrar a força para se libertar de seu passado doloroso, Aurora é confrontada por seu primeiro companheiro, Alfa Lucas, que procura recuperá-la. Frente a uma escolha, ela voltará para aquele que a traiu, ou permanecerá com Alfa Damien, que lhe ofereceu nada além de paz? A capa é para o autor, não use!

    Trishybaby · Urbano
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  • After Giving up, the Fake Young Lady Was Group-Pampered

    At the age of twelve, after Yuexin accidentally fell into the pond while feeding the fish, she learned one thing. Her parents were not her biological parents, and her five older brothers were also not her biological siblings. She was a fake daughter of the Shen family! Destined to lose everything she had, Yuexin directly... laid down. If she was doomed to lose everything, why not enjoy life while she still could? "Brother, is managing a company fun? Let me try," Yuexin asked. She wanted to give it a shot while she was still a daughter of the Shen family. She wouldn't have an opportunity like this in the future. "Brother, is acting fun? Let me try." What? Could someone earn money by acting as a dead person? She had to hold this job down! "Brother, is this gun real? Let me play with it." The gun wasn't too bad, but the recoil force was too strong. She needed to try a smaller gun next time. "Brother, will your professor get mad if I go to your research center?" The professor was so handsome! "Brother, this medicine smells good. Let me try..." It's delicious! However, her head felt a little itchy. Was her brain growing in size? On the day the real daughter returned, Yuexin's five older brothers defended her. "Yue, can we keep her? She isn't particularly bright. It's dangerous for her to be out there on her own." The real daughter sneered. She really is a cunning woman. Later, she realized that Yuexin really wasn't that bright at all! Forget it. She can stay...

    Ju Ju · Urbano
  • Istri Kecil Tuan Ju

    (PERHATIAN : KONTEN DEWASA) "Julian, apa itu malam pertama? Kata orang, itu adalah malam yang paling di tunggu sepasang kekasih setelah menikah. Memangnya apa yang dilakukan pada malam itu? " ........................................ Qiara adalah gadis berusia 17 tahun yang memiliki wajah cantik. Dia memiliki mimpi untuk menjadi orang yang terkenal di masa depan. Namun, sepucuk surat wasiat melemparnya ke dalam pernikahan bersama tuan muda yang merupakan calon suami kakak nya sendiri. "Menikah ? Apa Mama gila? Qiara baru saja berusia 17 tahun dan memiliki banyak mimpi. Haruskah aku menikah dengan lelaki yang lebih tua dua belas tahun dariku? "Air mata mengalir diwajah Qiara karena tidak menyangka kalau Ibunya akan meminta hal yang tidak pernah dia bayangkan. "Setidaknya, kamu menikah dulu. Setelah itu kamu boleh bercerai dan melanjutkan mimpimu!"Jawab Mama tanpa emosi. Tuan Muda Julian Al Vero adalah pewaris JJ Grup yang namanya selalu memenuhi halaman pertama di situs internet dan majalah. Dia tampan dan berkuasa hingga digilai banyak wanita, tapi tidak dengan Qiara yang memiliki ambisi tinggi ingin menjadi gamer sekaligus pelukis terkenal. Bagi Qiara, Julian hanyalah seuntai debu yang tidak penting dan tentunya sangat dia benci karena dia telah merenggut masa mudanya. "Ini hanya pernikahan rahasia!" Ucap Julian dengan ekspresi yang dingin sebab ia juga terpaksa melakukan pernikahan ini. Menikah sama gadis kecil apa dia gila? "Baik, aku akan menikah denganmu! "Jawab Qiara seraya menyeringai jijik kepada Julian. Akankah Qiara bisa mengujutkan mimpinya dan bercerai dengan Julian sesuai keinginannya? Atau mungkin sebaliknya? ~Bagian Dua~ Karena ingin hidup dengan lebih baik, Qiara terpaksa menyamar menjadi orang lain dan menyembunyikan identitasnya. Sayangnya, saat dia ingin bertemu putranya, dia malah tidak dikenali walaupun dia sudah memberitahunya kalau dia adalah Ibunya. Disamping itu, saudara tirinya selalu mencari masalah dengannya serta berusaha merebut apa yang dia miliki. Ini adalah kisah manis dan pahit seorang remaja yang belum saatnya menikah dan memiliki mimpi yang tinggi untuk menjadi terkenal namun terpaksa terikat dalam jaring pernikahan. Kalau kalian suka kisah ini, simpanlah di perpustakaan kalian. Dan jika kisah ini menurit kalian sangat menarik, maka mohon dukungannya dengan memberi power ston agar saya bersemangat untuk mempublis ceritanya. Terimakasih! Selamat menikmati! Instagram. @azzahra_tina

    Tinaagustiana · Urbano
  • Pillow of Hearts: A tale between the warm hug and cold coffee

    Moon Young Jae’s homophobic family considered him a disgrace and held his freedom in their clutch. Even with being obedient, he was not free from their abuse. Young Jae was almost blinded and crippled by his father when he stood up for himself for the first time. Left to bleed and die, luckily, he did have a family who wanted to save him. It was twin cousins, who were disowned long before him, who saved him. Sad and hopeless, Young Jae became curious when he met his cousins’ friend, who understood him better than anyone, even without words. Curiosity got the best of him, and he ended by handing his heart, love and soul over a plater as a price. Slowly, Young Jae fell in love with everything about and around Min Jun and eventually fell for the man. Calculative Wang Min Jun entered Young Jae’s life accidentally. He challenged Young Jae's belief with a warm smile and flipped Young Jae’s world upside down. Min Jun read Young Jae like an open book. He planned to get over the little crush he had on his seniors' cousin brother but failed miserably. Min Jun did not like the often-visited ‘frown’ between those beautiful eyebrows and even the always singing of ‘sigh’ through those sinful lips. Min Jun made it his mission to change it only to fall for everything about Young Jae. Wang Min Jun carried his share of baggage, but he was well-prepared to meet the demons from the past head-on. But Young Jae became a mess whenever his past demons decided to pay a visit. He realised he did not have to face anything alone as he has a wonderful boyfriend who cherishes everything about him. Both faced their past demons and trauma together. When a person betrayed by a family fell in love with a person who holds his family above everything, sparks flew, and hearts soared in happiness. Will their story has a harmonious bell, or would it be a sea of misery? Teaser: Files were shattered all over Min Jun’s bed, and his laptop was placed on the bedside table. It chimed once in a while, indicating a new email for him to check. The work was piling more and more as he was diligently finishing it. Young Jae walked into his boyfriend’s bedroom to witness his handsome lover working hard. "Jun Jun! Are you busy?" Even though Young Jae did not want to disturb his lover, he knew he needed some help to impress his boss. "Never for you, love. Tell you what you need?" Min Jun did not lift his head from the file he was going through, but the warmth in his voice reached Young Jae's heart without fail. "Do you have a minute to help me in reviewing my monthly internship report? I have to present to our boss tomorrow morning." Young Jae pouted as he asked. Min Ju looked at his adorable tokki and smiled mischievously. "You are brave, asking your superior to help you sneakily. I can't do it for free. I need a huge bribe to help you. What are you planning to offer?" "Be serious. You have too much work to do." Young Jae chided his shameless boyfriend, who never failed to seize every opportunity to make him moan and groan as he takes him to the pleasurable heaven. "Exactly. I have too much work to do. If I am taking my time to help you, I need something in return. Something so tempting that I don’t mind cramping lots of things later." Min Jun smiled like a devil he was as he grabbed Young Jae towards him. The little rabbit who fell into the cunning wolf's lap did not even get a chance to protest as he was devoured breathlessly. Young Jae forgot why he entered the wolf's lair altogether. Min Jun pushed the files away to make space for his little rabbit to lay down comfortably. Young Jae’s report was long forgotten as a treacherous hand started to caress him again under the shirt as a sinful sound filled the room. P.s: The cover belongs to the rightful owner, and it will be removed if the original owner asks to do so. WARNING: THIS IS A GAY LOVE STORY WITH BDSM. IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH IT, SPARE THE NOVEL. Discord: https://discord.gg/jSQxjwPV5s

    vjey · LGBT+
  • Mr. Ju's Little Wife : My Husband Is Too Kind

    (MATURE CONTENT) "Julian, what is the first night? People say, it is the night that most lovers await after marriage. What did you do that night?". ...................................................... Qiara Larez is a 17 year old girl who has a beautiful face. She has a dream to become a famous person in the future. However, a will threw her into the marriage with the young master who was her sister's future husband. "Getting married? Is Mama crazy? Qiara has just turned 17 years old and has a lot of dreams. Should I marry a man who is twelve years older than me?". Tears rolled down Qiara's face, because she did not expect that her mother would ask for things that were never imagined. "At least, you got married first. After that you can divorce and continue your dream!". Her mother answered without emotion. Young Master Julian Al Vero is the heir to the JJ Group whose name always fills the first pages of internet sites and magazines. He is handsome and powerful to the point where many women are crazy, but not Qiara, who has high ambitions, wants to become a famous gamer and painter. For Qiara, Julian is just a dust that is not important and of course she really hates it because he has taken away her youth. "This is just a secret marriage!". Said Julian with a cold expression because he was also forced to do this marriage. Married to a little girl is he crazy ?. "Fine, I'll marry you!". Qiara replied, grinning disdainfully at Julian. Will Qiara be able to make her dream come true and divorce Julian as she wishes? Or maybe the other way around ?. ~ Part Two ~ Because she wants to live a better life, Qiara is forced to disguise herself as someone else and hide her identity. Unfortunately, when she wanted to meet her son, she was not even recognized even though she had already told him that she was his mother. Besides that, her half-siblings are always looking for trouble with her and trying to take away what she has. This is the sweet and bitter story of a teenager who is not yet married and has high dreams of becoming famous but is forced to be tied in the net of marriage. If you like this story, keep it in your library. And if you think this story is very interesting, then ask for your support by giving a power stone so that I will be excited to publish the story. Thank you! Enjoy! Also read my other works! 1. Come And Hug Me 2. Flowers Of Evil. 3. Flash Marriage With Perfect Result. 4. Marriage To An Heir Instagram. @azzahra_tina

    Tinaagustiana · Urbano
  • .ju

    The woods drive men crazy, but what about a boy? Well, just the same. But this time, every step he takes, he's never alone. He only has one destination: Doom.

    Dwznut · Fantasia
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  • Ketika Cinta Menemukan Tuannya

    "Aku Mencintainya, walaupun aku tahu kalau itu berbahaya! " ............... Novel ini bercerita tentang kehidupan seorang wanita asal Indonesia yang memiliki pengalaman buruk akan cinta. Calon suaminya terpaksa harus menikahi sepupunya disaat undangan pernikahannya sudah tersebar. Ditengah ke malangan nya itu, ia melarikan diri ke Korea Selatan. Di Hari pertamanya ia malah bertemu dengan Kim Lion yang merupakan lelaki kejam yang berkuasa di Seoul. Kim Lion menjalankan perusahaan milik keluarganya sebagai CEO di KI Grup yang merupakan salah satu perusahaan paling berpengaruh di Korea Selatan. Sayangnya, Kim Liom adalah lelaki sombong yang menganggap dirinya paling sempurna sehingga tidak ada wanita yang pantas untuk menjadi pendampingnya. Suatu hari Kim Lion bertemu dengan gadis yang aneh dan terlihat sangat biasa. Gadis itu adalah satu-satunya wanita yang membenci Kim Lion karena selalu mengusik hidupnya yang tenang, dia adalah Nana perempuan mungil asal Indonesia yang tidak cantik dan tidak juga jelek. Semenjak bertemu dengan Nana, Lion pun merasa resah dan tidak tenang karena ia selalu memikirkan Nana seperti orang gila. Kim Lion menggunakan segala cara agar Nana menjadi miliknya sehingga pada suatu hari, Nana terpaksa menjadi pelayannya. Kim Lion tahu kalau dia jatuh cinta sama Nana, namun dia tidak tahu bagaimana cara menyampaikannya. .......................................................................... "Dasar Iblis, apa yang kamu inginkan dariku?". Nana melotot ketika melihat Kim Lion memblokir tubuhnya di dinding kamar mewah itu. "Kenapa kamu selalu menolakku?". Wajah Lion semakin mendekat sehingga Nana merasa Frustasi. "Kenapa aku harus menerima Iblis sepertimu?". Nana memberanikan diri menantang tatapan jahat Kim Lion. "Karena Aku adalah Kim Lion. Lelaki tampan dan kaya raya yang dipuji oleh semua wanita. Jika kamu bersamaku, maka aku pastikan akan membuatmu menjadi wanita paling beruntung. Bagaimana?". Jawab Kim Lion sambil tersenyum licik. ......................................................................... Bagaimana dengan Nana? Akankah Dia mau hidup bersama lelaki kasar dan sombong seperti Kim Lion? Atau, dia memilih lelaki lain yang merupakan musuh sekaligus sahabat Kim Lion yang super baik dan tampan?. Temukan jawabannya dengan mengikuti setiap bab di novel ini. Kalau Kalian suka, jangan lupa dukung novel ini dengan memberi Power Stone sebanyak-banyaknya. Dan tulis pendapat kalian di kolom review dan komentar agar saya bisa memperbaiki yang salah. Satu Power Stone dan Komentar atau Review dari kalian adalah penyemangat saya untuk menulis. Happy Reading! Instagram. @azzahra_tina mampir Juga di Karyaku yang Lain. 1.Istri Kecil Tuan Ju 2. Pelengkap Hidupku. 3. Flower Of Evil

    Tinaagustiana · Urbano
  • Exorciste Fantôme : Aimé de Tous

    Yu Holea était une exorciste de fantômes de génie. Maudite pour son tempérament de solitaire, elle a embrassé la voie de l'exorcisme. À l'âge de 26 ans, elle est morte. En ouvrant les yeux, elle s'est rendu compte qu'elle a été transmigrée dans un personnage qui porte le même nom qu'elle. Yu Holea était la jeune demoiselle récemment trouvée de la Famille Yu. Bien que tout le monde ne l'aimait pas, car pour eux Yu Mei est la véritable jeune demoiselle. Tout le monde la méprisait, y compris ses propres frères biologiques. Son Frère aîné, "N'essaie même pas de t'approcher de moi. Je déteste les chercheuses d'or comme toi. Yu Mei, viens, je t'emmène faire du shopping." Son Deuxième Frère Gentil," La porte pour sortir est à gauche. N'oublie pas de ne pas embêter Yu Mei" Son Troisième Frère, "Euh, ne me laisse pas voir ton visage dégoûtant. Laisse-moi voir le visage mignon de ma petite Yu Mei" Cependant, Yu Holea les ignorait. Elle était habituée à tout cela. Elle s'est concentrée sur sa carrière et l'accumulation d'argent plutôt que sur l'amour. Elle n'avait pas un sou ? Allons donc, elle avait une longue file de grands patrons suppliant de lui donner de l'argent. Son empire commercial s'étend de Ville S à la Capitale. Elle était sans talent ? Elle peut même invoquer la foudre !! A une soirée de luxe, un des parents de la Famille Yu a vu Yu Holea entourée par des grands patrons de différents domaines et a été choqué jusqu'au plus profond de son être. Alors que tout le monde était confus, ses trois frères sont arrivés et ont commencé à la choyer. "Lea, tu veux manger un gâteau aux fraises? Appelle-moi Grand Frère et je te donnerai le gâteau." "Lea, tiens, bois ce jus, et au fait, pourquoi ne m'appelles-tu pas Deuxième Frère ?" "Petite Sœur, ne les écoute pas, je te protégerai de tout le monde, tu n'as qu'à m'appeler Troisième Frère." Un certain beau, PDG d'une entreprise du top 10, "Lea Chérie, quand diras-tu oui à ma demande ?" Yu Holea : Pourquoi tout le monde la regarde-t-il avec un regard attendri ? Suivez Yu Holea dans son aventure remplie de frissons, de suspense et de chouchoutage.

    LittleRabbit1111 · Fantasia
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  • This is Your Baby, Mr. Incubus! [BL]

    Asaka Mihai, 18 tahun, seorang half-beast spesies harimau, single, perawan. Sekarang … ia dalam masalah besar! “Palingan dipecat lagi dari pekerjaan,” ujar kedua kakaknya. “Bukan! Aku HAMIL!” “Puhhh!!!” Air jus menyembur keluar dari kedua kakaknya . Ya! Asaka Mihai, 18 tahun. Setelah lulus dari sekolah dan terus dipecat dari pekerjaan selama 3 tahun ini, ia dihamili seorang incubus! ---- “Ini anakmu!” “Da!” Luca Mocanu, seorang incubus, setelah hidup begitu lama, ini pertama kalinya ada seorang half-beast yang menerobos masuk kediamannya dan menyodorkan seorang anak. Mata merahnya sedikit mengkilat. “Bawa mereka keluar!” Bagaimana perjuangan Mihai untuk mendapatkan pertanggungjawaban dari si incubus? “Aku akan mengganggumu sampai kau mau menikahiku!” ----- ---------- Cek karyaku yang lain: - Revenge by The Stupid Man to The Emperor [BL] (English) Ig: aoishana8 (Silahkan DM jika ingin berkomunikasi dengan aku :D)

    AoiShana8 · LGBT+
  • Come And Hug Me

    {WARNING : MATURE CONTENT) "Falling in love with you is a crime I did on purpose!". ........................... When they were teenagers, Sophia and Michael were desperate to marry without the blessing of their teens and after that they lived together in a place where their families could not find them. However, a storm came after two months of their marriage, circumstances forced them to separate, leaving a mad hatred and longing for the figure of a husband who disappeared without news when she was pregnant. Eight years later, Michael returns with his best charm to make up for eight years of longing and force Sophia to live together again as before. Unfortunately, Sophia is not the woman he used to know. The girl was filled with anger and hatred and resentment that filled the recesses of her heart. However, Michael does not know the word surrender because he loves Sophia with all his life even though he is ready to become a slave to Sophia's love. Will they find a way to get back together to live happily ever after, or vice versa? The second part. Dreams and hopes. "Honey, tonight I will definitely make you happy. The problem is I forgot what style you like". Sophia asked in surprise. "What style?". Sophia looked confusedly at Michael while swallowing her saliva deeply. Michael climbed into bed topless, it was the first night after their struggling second marriage to take place. He should have immediately released all the pent-up desire for eight years to the stubborn girl who had broken his arrogance. However, Sophia got off the bed instead using trembling legs and eyes covered by both hands. Michael smiled because he felt challenged by Sophia's frightened attitude. Michael chased after Sophia then hugged her waist from behind while whispering in her ear. "Does this mean that you want the style of a raging horse?". Is the conversation real? Or is it just a dream of a man missing his ex-wife? Find the answer by following each chapter in this novel! ........................ If you like this story, please support the author by giving Power Stone and comments and reviews. Also read my other works! 1. Mr. Ju's Little Wife : My Husband Is Too Kind. 2. Flowers Of Evil. 3. Flash Marriage With Perfect Result. 4. Marriage To An Heir

    Tinaagustiana · Urbano

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