
Review Detail of Honoured_Writer in

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Honoured_Writer:100 Member Harem 😁 tonnes of lemon and 18+ chapters that’ll outnumber the actual plot driven ones don’t worry 👍

Yes. Is this Harem, Lemon OP Story?!


100 Member Harem 😁 tonnes of lemon and 18+ chapters that’ll outnumber the actual plot driven ones don’t worry 👍

BurgerNoTomatoes:Yes. Is this Harem, Lemon OP Story?!

why are you always remaking this?


Third times the charm and if this doesn’t work out then I give up on Sukuna fics entirely

kingGenovaGodfrey:why are you always remaking this?

Frankly, the novel is a little confusing: 1- You realize that the protagonist is considered a blank sheet of paper, and this means that he does not have any kind of feelings. So how does he feel fear, anxiety, confusion, and guilt because he killed people? These feelings are present in us, but if he does not know that what he did is wrong, then how does he know the Feelings appropriate for the situation, etc. Have you seen a young child having an identity crisis? No, because he does not know the meaning of identity, and the protagonist is in the same situation. :2-If the protagonist of the novel is a blank sheet of paper, he will cling to the first person or thing connected to himself, in other words, the malevolent shrine, and he will listen to it because it is the closest thing to him and the first thing he contacts instead of resisting and fighting it .:3. How does he know what money is?: 4- The reaction of any living being, even if it is small, is to protect it self. Why did the protagonist didn't try to protect himself when the thief struck him? I do not want to rate this novel because there are not enough chapters to rate it, but take these points into consideration because I will take them into consideration when I evaluate and rate the novel in the future.


1 For starters when I describe the mc to be a blank piece of paper Im speaking more in a metaphorical sense in terms of his lack of identity and purpose but most importantly identity - this is why he is still able to experience varying emotions like the ones stated 2 Youre right when you say this but it mostly ties into something I’m trying to foreshadow for in future. Sorry I should’ve put it differently 3 🤷‍♂️ Mistake on my part that can’t be undone 4 I’ll edit the chapter to give a better explanation Thanks for your advice I’ll use them to better my fic

DaoistVzN0l5:Frankly, the novel is a little confusing: 1- You realize that the protagonist is considered a blank sheet of paper, and this means that he does not have any kind of feelings. So how does he feel fear, anxiety, confusion, and guilt because he killed people? These feelings are present in us, but if he does not know that what he did is wrong, then how does he know the Feelings appropriate for the situation, etc. Have you seen a young child having an identity crisis? No, because he does not know the meaning of identity, and the protagonist is in the same situation. :2-If the protagonist of the novel is a blank sheet of paper, he will cling to the first person or thing connected to himself, in other words, the malevolent shrine, and he will listen to it because it is the closest thing to him and the first thing he contacts instead of resisting and fighting it .:3. How does he know what money is?: 4- The reaction of any living being, even if it is small, is to protect it self. Why did the protagonist didn't try to protect himself when the thief struck him? I do not want to rate this novel because there are not enough chapters to rate it, but take these points into consideration because I will take them into consideration when I evaluate and rate the novel in the future.


Honoured_Writer:1 For starters when I describe the mc to be a blank piece of paper Im speaking more in a metaphorical sense in terms of his lack of identity and purpose but most importantly identity - this is why he is still able to experience varying emotions like the ones stated 2 Youre right when you say this but it mostly ties into something I’m trying to foreshadow for in future. Sorry I should’ve put it differently 3 🤷‍♂️ Mistake on my part that can’t be undone 4 I’ll edit the chapter to give a better explanation Thanks for your advice I’ll use them to better my fic

I think Gojo in marvel would be a way more fun read than sukuna

Honoured_Writer:Third times the charm and if this doesn’t work out then I give up on Sukuna fics entirely

Maybe on my 2nd Gojo fic

I_dont_believe_it:I think Gojo in marvel would be a way more fun read than sukuna