
Review Detail of Goodorbad in

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The story was good and all but once the girl came I was unfortunately less interested in the story not because I don’t want the mc to have a relationship it’s because how the girl was introduced which give me a bad expression about her I know that there only 10 chapters and all but it got ruined fast for me The reason that is because how the girl fell in love with the mc only because he is strong I really don’t want to read about how a girl that hates the mc from the beginning and fell in love with the mc because he was strong it’s like a woman hates the poor but loves the rich you get it I’m not saying that the girl is at fault but the author that thought that it was a good idea for a relationship to start you have to think about it from your point of view well you love a girl that only sees your strength and money or a girl that love you for who you are from the start without any benefit but only love you Anyways it was good from the start but got ruined for me the author should have just written a love story with the girl that took him there instead it’s was more interesting I had high hopes for that when I read it or a girl that he meets that has high intelligence like him Don’t know about you and what you think about this novel this is my own opinion so don’t judge me just writing about what I think about the novel and some people well have the same opinions I think?

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Hi, thanks for the review. I appreciate it. But I think you misinterpreted the whole thing. They aren't in love. They are good friends. Nowhere was it mentioned they are in love. Thanks for dropping by and leaving a review. Have a nice one! 😉


I know that I didn’t misunderstood but it’s like a friend relationship but if the girl is going to be annoying in the novel I just can’t stand it it’s one of my mind things that I can’t stand about in novel sorry about that you do you I well maybe pick this up and make another review when the novel has more chapters not saying that the novel is bad I like it

koladeizdavid:Hi, thanks for the review. I appreciate it. But I think you misinterpreted the whole thing. They aren't in love. They are good friends. Nowhere was it mentioned they are in love. Thanks for dropping by and leaving a review. Have a nice one! 😉

Haha. Don't worry. She won't. You will like her, I assure you. Both are still in their development phase. Thanks for reading. I appreciate it. Have a nice one. Cheers! 🥂

Goodorbad:I know that I didn’t misunderstood but it’s like a friend relationship but if the girl is going to be annoying in the novel I just can’t stand it it’s one of my mind things that I can’t stand about in novel sorry about that you do you I well maybe pick this up and make another review when the novel has more chapters not saying that the novel is bad I like it