
Review Detail of ToufiqUlAlam in The A.I wars

Detalhe da revisão


Using A.I. as the central idea was a very fresh one. I loved how the story gives off a Pokémon vibe. I am a fan, so you know! The writing style is very nice too. Casual and personal—I love it. However, please use QuillBot or Grammerly to fix errors. I use QuillBot, which is the cheapest out there but very helpful. You will definitely love it. The fight and story progression are good too. But what I want to see is that the author can finish the story. There are so many abandoned stories on this platform. They have lost their masters. Please keep up the hope and keep writing till the end. Cheers!

The A.I wars


Curtido por 1 pessoas




thnx a lot for the review and thanx for the suggestion to i'll look over it too! and ya thnx for your motivation and i won't stop writting pls keep supporting the story and ones again thnx a lot!