
Review Detail of Shira_ori in Terra Nova Online : Rise Of The Strongest Player

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(Chapter 223) Overall it’s an ok read just full of plot holes written by an author who consistently forgets what they wrote in the past so that they can force the plot forward or create unnecessary drama, the mc seems to have not grown at all going from acting calm and collected to an irrational teenager having a temper tantrum, I gave it a good try but in the end just got fed up and would rather not continue to spend my money on this.

Terra Nova Online : Rise Of The Strongest Player


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Yes but in this particular instance the one that I specifically mentioned and showed in the screenshot, the mc was 20 levels lower than cervantez and cervantez was not the second ranked player but the first. Also if you’re ability works like that then do in fact have to change the description In chapter nine. I feel it is you who is not understanding me.

Raj_Shah_7152:Bro you are not understanding. Read this reply of mine Five times now and then argue with me again, because I'll give you 5 examples here. Suppose Cervantez is the number two player. Leo is number one player. Case 1 :- Cervantez's level - 25 Leo's real level - 24. Displayed level for Leo - 35. Case 2- Cervantez's Level - 25 Leo's level - 26 Displayed level - 35. Case 3- Cervantez's level - 25 Leo's level - 34 Displayed level - 35. Case 4- Cervantez's level - 25 Leo's level - 37. Displayed level - 37. Get it now? if Leo's real level is 10 levels above Cervantez say by 15 levels or 50 levels then he will be shown 50 levels above him in the leaderboards and not just 10!!!! but if he's lower it will be a minimum difference of +10. Hope this clears everything for you

Bro, i have no plot holes. You comment on my chapters pointing out my mistakes, i reply to you explaining what you understood wrong. You don't bother reading it and keep complaining. First make sure you understand what i wanted to convey before giving me such reviews.


You deleted whatever reply you left before so as far as I know you just realised I was right and decided you didn’t want to engage in a losing argument anymore, if you really want your level ability to work the way you’ve made it then you need to change the description of it in chapter nine, also I’m not the only person finding and pointing out mistakes (that you aren’t editing) and plot holes.

Raj_Shah_7152:Bro, i have no plot holes. You comment on my chapters pointing out my mistakes, i reply to you explaining what you understood wrong. You don't bother reading it and keep complaining. First make sure you understand what i wanted to convey before giving me such reviews.

Bro I haven't deleted anything. Also i have no mistake in chapter 9. The explanation is clear. Leo will be shown 10 levels above the second ranked player at all times, or he will be shown as his real level, if it's at a greater than 10 differential. meaning if the second ranked player is ranked level 9. and Leo's actual level is 8, he will be shown as 19. however, if second ranked player is 8 and Leo's real level is 21. it will be shown as 21. As for me not fixing my typos, i do try my best to fix them as they are pointed out, however, I write more than 6k words daily and sometimes it's hard for me to keep 100% quality. That I'll accept. But there are 0 plot holes in my story logic wise. It's your misunderstanding nothing more.

Shira_ori:You deleted whatever reply you left before so as far as I know you just realised I was right and decided you didn’t want to engage in a losing argument anymore, if you really want your level ability to work the way you’ve made it then you need to change the description of it in chapter nine, also I’m not the only person finding and pointing out mistakes (that you aren’t editing) and plot holes.

I’ll separate my reply into three pieces as I can only put one image per reply, this image is a deleted reply.

Raj_Shah_7152:Bro I haven't deleted anything. Also i have no mistake in chapter 9. The explanation is clear. Leo will be shown 10 levels above the second ranked player at all times, or he will be shown as his real level, if it's at a greater than 10 differential. meaning if the second ranked player is ranked level 9. and Leo's actual level is 8, he will be shown as 19. however, if second ranked player is 8 and Leo's real level is 21. it will be shown as 21. As for me not fixing my typos, i do try my best to fix them as they are pointed out, however, I write more than 6k words daily and sometimes it's hard for me to keep 100% quality. That I'll accept. But there are 0 plot holes in my story logic wise. It's your misunderstanding nothing more.

Sure. Break it in three parts

Shira_ori:I’ll separate my reply into three pieces as I can only put one image per reply, this image is a deleted reply.

This image is me catching you using the ability wrong. Cervantez at this point in time was the first ranked player so his ability making him 10 levels higher than Cervantez makes no sense.

Raj_Shah_7152:Bro I haven't deleted anything. Also i have no mistake in chapter 9. The explanation is clear. Leo will be shown 10 levels above the second ranked player at all times, or he will be shown as his real level, if it's at a greater than 10 differential. meaning if the second ranked player is ranked level 9. and Leo's actual level is 8, he will be shown as 19. however, if second ranked player is 8 and Leo's real level is 21. it will be shown as 21. As for me not fixing my typos, i do try my best to fix them as they are pointed out, however, I write more than 6k words daily and sometimes it's hard for me to keep 100% quality. That I'll accept. But there are 0 plot holes in my story logic wise. It's your misunderstanding nothing more.

This is you replying to me catching you using the ability wrong telling me that I misunderstood even though now you’re telling that I’m wrong even though you apparently think you’re using the ability as you wrote it in chapter nine (which you aren’t in this example, i think you did this to force the plot and hoped that no-one would catch on)

Raj_Shah_7152:Bro I haven't deleted anything. Also i have no mistake in chapter 9. The explanation is clear. Leo will be shown 10 levels above the second ranked player at all times, or he will be shown as his real level, if it's at a greater than 10 differential. meaning if the second ranked player is ranked level 9. and Leo's actual level is 8, he will be shown as 19. however, if second ranked player is 8 and Leo's real level is 21. it will be shown as 21. As for me not fixing my typos, i do try my best to fix them as they are pointed out, however, I write more than 6k words daily and sometimes it's hard for me to keep 100% quality. That I'll accept. But there are 0 plot holes in my story logic wise. It's your misunderstanding nothing more.

Bro I made a typo in this comment, look at what i wrote just beneath it 😭😭.

Shira_ori:This is you replying to me catching you using the ability wrong telling me that I misunderstood even though now you’re telling that I’m wrong even though you apparently think you’re using the ability as you wrote it in chapter nine (which you aren’t in this example, i think you did this to force the plot and hoped that no-one would catch on)

It is still a wrong use of the ability

Raj_Shah_7152:Bro I made a typo in this comment, look at what i wrote just beneath it 😭😭.

Also, I'm using the skill exactly as i intended it to be. The Boss cannot hide his level from the global rankings. It's a part of his persona. Whatever his real level is it shows. Or if it's less than +10 of the second player it'll always show +10. I'm consistent with this plot throughout the book, you can argue with me all you want, but not once have I changed this fact.


You said that if his level is higher than the second ranked it would display his true level but in this example the second ranked player was the mc +10 would have made the mc level 100 it wouldn’t have made him level 110 because Cervantez was not the second ranked player he was first ranked.

Raj_Shah_7152:Also, I'm using the skill exactly as i intended it to be. The Boss cannot hide his level from the global rankings. It's a part of his persona. Whatever his real level is it shows. Or if it's less than +10 of the second player it'll always show +10. I'm consistent with this plot throughout the book, you can argue with me all you want, but not once have I changed this fact.

Bro you are not understanding. Read this reply of mine Five times now and then argue with me again, because I'll give you 5 examples here. Suppose Cervantez is the number two player. Leo is number one player. Case 1 :- Cervantez's level - 25 Leo's real level - 24. Displayed level for Leo - 35. Case 2- Cervantez's Level - 25 Leo's level - 26 Displayed level - 35. Case 3- Cervantez's level - 25 Leo's level - 34 Displayed level - 35. Case 4- Cervantez's level - 25 Leo's level - 37. Displayed level - 37. Get it now? if Leo's real level is 10 levels above Cervantez say by 15 levels or 50 levels then he will be shown 50 levels above him in the leaderboards and not just 10!!!! but if he's lower it will be a minimum difference of +10. Hope this clears everything for you


I am no longer going to argue with you but just so you know case one is the exact same issue as the example I showed in the screenshot. You clearly can’t be bothered to at least update the description of the ability to make it work how you want it to (in chapter nine) so I’ll leave you to it and spend my money elsewhere.

Raj_Shah_7152:Bro you are not understanding. Read this reply of mine Five times now and then argue with me again, because I'll give you 5 examples here. Suppose Cervantez is the number two player. Leo is number one player. Case 1 :- Cervantez's level - 25 Leo's real level - 24. Displayed level for Leo - 35. Case 2- Cervantez's Level - 25 Leo's level - 26 Displayed level - 35. Case 3- Cervantez's level - 25 Leo's level - 34 Displayed level - 35. Case 4- Cervantez's level - 25 Leo's level - 37. Displayed level - 37. Get it now? if Leo's real level is 10 levels above Cervantez say by 15 levels or 50 levels then he will be shown 50 levels above him in the leaderboards and not just 10!!!! but if he's lower it will be a minimum difference of +10. Hope this clears everything for you

Sure. Thankyou for your time 😄

Shira_ori:I am no longer going to argue with you but just so you know case one is the exact same issue as the example I showed in the screenshot. You clearly can’t be bothered to at least update the description of the ability to make it work how you want it to (in chapter nine) so I’ll leave you to it and spend my money elsewhere.