
Review Detail of RottenPizza in MHA: I'm a Symbiote(Kinda SI)

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I am definitely "not" the author of this absolute masterpiece (。・ω・。) And is a perfectly non-biased review and am not related to the author in anyway. ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ Hold onto your hats, folks, because this fanfiction is a literary masterpiece that transcends the very fabric of the multiverse! Picture this: a friendly neighborhood loner catapulted into the Otaku Celestial Circles by none other than the iconic Truck-kun. It's like the gods themselves conspired for our entertainment! But wait, it gets better! A ROB with Dumbledore vibes (the "Rated M" version, mind you) grants this hero's every wish faster than you can say "Isekai madness." And guess what? Our protagonist isn't diving into the murky waters of clichéd desires. No bunny girl thighs here! He's navigating dreams and desires like a seasoned philosopher while maintaining his (kinda) nice guy persona. Oh, did I mention the Great Sage from Tensura is tagging along for the ride? Talk about a power duo! It's like Batman and Alfred, but with more isekai flair. But hold your horses; this isn't your run-of-the-mill "guy living in MHA" saga. No, no! It's a guy from our universe, casually 'experiencing' MHA like a true connoisseur. Brace yourselves for a deep dive into a world beyond canon, because why settle for the mundane when you can have the extraordinary? In summary, move aside, Shakespeare; there's a new bard in town, and they're crafting a tale so epic that even the gods themselves would be taking notes. This fanfiction isn't just a story; it's a transcendental experience that will leave you questioning the very fabric of reality. Bravo!

MHA: I'm a Symbiote(Kinda SI)


Curtido por 5 pessoas




I just wanted to say that the synopsis is confusing and redundant, only when I read half of it did I understand what exactly this was about.


This is a ‘review’ not a synopsis. The synopsis is below the title in the Novel Page/Home Page/Whatever. The synopsis has about 10 sentences with each sentence averaging to be around 1.5 lines long. It’s pretty good if I say so myself. I’m actually pretty proud of it. (Unlike chap 2~4: even I understand that it needs to be rewritten. The grammar is fine but the flow is all eeeeh aaaahh uahghh *puking sfx* Anyway! Hope to see you in my comment section!! Bye-bye 👋

Gabichu_Yeah:I just wanted to say that the synopsis is confusing and redundant, only when I read half of it did I understand what exactly this was about.

The synopsis goes on the main page of the fanfic novel presenting the content of the book. That's what I mean, you made me doubt and I googled it and it's the same thing I said.

RottenPizza:This is a ‘review’ not a synopsis. The synopsis is below the title in the Novel Page/Home Page/Whatever. The synopsis has about 10 sentences with each sentence averaging to be around 1.5 lines long. It’s pretty good if I say so myself. I’m actually pretty proud of it. (Unlike chap 2~4: even I understand that it needs to be rewritten. The grammar is fine but the flow is all eeeeh aaaahh uahghh *puking sfx* Anyway! Hope to see you in my comment section!! Bye-bye 👋