
Review Detail of Ehbon in Witch: Accumulate Experience Through The Knight Breathing Technique

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This story is terrible. The main character spends the first 100 chapters doing nothing but letting other people beat him and throw him around so that he can be ‘low-key’ which actually just means he’s a coward who only deals with problems after they’ve already occurred. All the characters are stolen expies from other works, and so is most of the worldbuilding. In general, it’s just trash.

Witch: Accumulate Experience Through The Knight Breathing Technique

Tian Li

Curtido por 6 pessoas




Are you kidding? There are tons of people that take advantage of him all the time and he never does anything... It's simply pathetic. Not just the church but plenty of others. His serfs only produce the minimun amount of crops necesary because they are lazy, even when the conditions are better that year, and what does the genius mc do? He lowers the amount of crops that they have to give him... Brilliant right? Of course there is the issue with two of his territories being blatantly stolen from him and he never even tries to do anything to reclaim them, even when his strength increases... Someone kidnaps his people (the old blacksmith) and he never moves a finger to solve the situation for years and years... When he goes to the Tuva Empire, a small time gang with not even a single knight extorts protection money from him in a rather rude maner, and the pathetic mc just lowers his head and gives them everything they ask for. Then the same gang returns the next day saying that their swords are not good and that they need a better ones, which the mc says that they can take the ones in the store... F*cking coward! And that's what they do, they take every item in the store without paying a single coin. And so on and so forth... Every time there is a problem the mc just lowers his head and behaves like a cocroach!

strawhatmattad1:imma have to diss agree cause the only person to actually “push him around” is the church first clergy (I forgot the official name) and after a couple years of getting stronger, he killed the church men and took back what was his then some. If you talk about the assassins and how he didnt take revenge instantly. How tf he suppose to kill a peak grandmaster when he wasn’t even a grandmaster him self? And when he became one it took him a few more years to kill all his fathers murderers? No hate on you man but I like this book cause the mc knows he can win if you give him time.

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I think you just don't get his point. For some of us, we like the carefull planning. So the first 100 or so chapter is enjoyable.


imma have to diss agree cause the only person to actually “push him around” is the church first clergy (I forgot the official name) and after a couple years of getting stronger, he killed the church men and took back what was his then some. If you talk about the assassins and how he didnt take revenge instantly. How tf he suppose to kill a peak grandmaster when he wasn’t even a grandmaster him self? And when he became one it took him a few more years to kill all his fathers murderers? No hate on you man but I like this book cause the mc knows he can win if you give him time.