

2020-12-05 UnidoGlobal

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  • Osborn123

    What's with the nonsense about latin words? Does the author really believes something so ridiculous?

    Ch 19 Chapter 19: Start-of-Term Feast
    Harry Potter: Journey to Godhood
    Livros e literatura · bobthewriter
  • Osborn123

    The description of this story is a lie. The real description should be something like this: A very coward and pathetic person that only knows how to crawl on the ground in front of others gets reincarnated into a fantasy world in order to fully display his way of the turtle and amaze everyone by showing them how much of a loser he can be! Btw, this story is a bad translation.

    Witch: Accumulate Experience Through The Knight Breathing Technique
    Oriental · Tian Li
  • Osborn123
    Respondeu a strawhatmattad1

    Are you kidding? There are tons of people that take advantage of him all the time and he never does anything... It's simply pathetic. Not just the church but plenty of others. His serfs only produce the minimun amount of crops necesary because they are lazy, even when the conditions are better that year, and what does the genius mc do? He lowers the amount of crops that they have to give him... Brilliant right? Of course there is the issue with two of his territories being blatantly stolen from him and he never even tries to do anything to reclaim them, even when his strength increases... Someone kidnaps his people (the old blacksmith) and he never moves a finger to solve the situation for years and years... When he goes to the Tuva Empire, a small time gang with not even a single knight extorts protection money from him in a rather rude maner, and the pathetic mc just lowers his head and gives them everything they ask for. Then the same gang returns the next day saying that their swords are not good and that they need a better ones, which the mc says that they can take the ones in the store... F*cking coward! And that's what they do, they take every item in the store without paying a single coin. And so on and so forth... Every time there is a problem the mc just lowers his head and behaves like a cocroach!

    Witch: Accumulate Experience Through The Knight Breathing Technique
    Oriental · Tian Li
  • Osborn123
    Respondeu a One_For_None

    Lol, how many more reviews are you going to add yourself? And all of them 5 stars, of course... Haven't read a single chapter but these reviews don't do any good to it...

    Hogwarts : I Have the Holy Father System
    Livros e literatura · One_For_None
  • Osborn123

    I wonder why chinese people never seem to understand that everyone else in the world don't see their "literary works" anywhere as good as they think they are... I mean, every country has their own culture but only chinese people belief theirs is especial...

    Ch 95 Chapter 95
    Starting Today I'll Work As A City Lord
    Anime e quadrinhos · GreenBlue17
  • Osborn123
    Respondeu a DreamCreator

    A female AI? You are kidding, right?And why would you like that? To turn her into a wife later? That's ridiculous, and it's something I've never been able to understand.

    Ch 1 The Boy Who Almost Got Killed
    Harry Potter with Technology System
    Livros e literatura · TheFanficGod
  • Osborn123

    A beautiful Petunia? That's pushing it a lot... This is a concept that I find hard to accept...

    Ch 1 The Boy Who Almost Got Killed
    Harry Potter with Technology System
    Livros e literatura · TheFanficGod
  • Osborn123

    I only managed to read up to 20 chapters or so before I realiced that it's a waste of time. From what I've seen, the story is a repeat of canon. Nothing new to it. The intelligence of the mc is almost nonexistent. He is supposed to have lots of experience and comes from what looked like an apocaliptic world, and yet now the mc behaves just like any other 11 year old kid... Simply a joke. Also, since apparently the author thinks that standing out is dangerous, then he nerfs the mc even more by making him hide his skills... Simply brilliant... So as I said, this story is a waste of time.

    Harry Potter: Another Chance
    Livros e literatura · Krio_Genix
  • Osborn123

    My god! It wasn't enough to nerf the intelligence of the mc and making him behave like a real kid, but now the author is going to nerf his abilities too? What a load of rubish... And for what reason exactly? Because any kid that can turn a match into a needle will enter Voldemort's radar? Please! What kind of logic is this? Can this excuse be any more lame? Well, it's pretty obvious by now that this story is a waste of time, so goodbye.

    Ch 19 Chapter 19: The First Classes Part 2
    Harry Potter: Another Chance
    Livros e literatura · Krio_Genix
  • Osborn123

    Still nothing new in the story so far...

    Ch 17 Chapter 17: Sorting
    Harry Potter: Another Chance
    Livros e literatura · Krio_Genix
  • Osborn123

    Wow, 16 chapters into the story and pretty much almost nothing happened yet... This is not something that every author can boast about, you know? After all, writing so many words without saying anything usefull is not easy...

    Ch 16 Chapter 16: Welcome to Hogwarts
    Harry Potter: Another Chance
    Livros e literatura · Krio_Genix
  • Osborn123

    Well, since the mc st*pidly chose not to get Hedwig so as to not "replace" his old owl (talk about lame excuse btw) then for the same reason he should not seek a friendship with Hermione or Ron either, right?

    Ch 14 Chapter 14: Back to School
    Harry Potter: Another Chance
    Livros e literatura · Krio_Genix
  • Osborn123
    Respondeu a whatissunkanmi

    More like the retarded mc is the one to deserve death...

    Ch 11 Chapter 11: Trouble in the alley
    Harry Potter: Another Chance
    Livros e literatura · Krio_Genix
  • Osborn123

    Pathetic mc alert... And the mc still behaves like a kid.

    Ch 10 Chapter 10: Shopping trip
    Harry Potter: Another Chance
    Livros e literatura · Krio_Genix
  • Osborn123

    Dumb as a mule mc. His real intelligence must be around that of a 7 year old naive kid. Tons of infodumps that make up almost 80% of the story. Most of them about irrelevant things. Simply insufferable. The author is constantly contradicting himself in the story. Now he says one thing and then he does another. Everything the mc has pretty much falls into his lap without the mc doing anything. He meets a random fey and it turns out that it is an amazing one, very rare and with lots of value. If he needs some kind of special skill, it just so happens that the next skill one of his fey gets is the very one he wants. And so on. The mc is incredibly naive and without any bit of pride. Revenge is something that the mc doesn't even understand. He is pretty much a loser that can only stand tall thanks to plotarmor.

    Fey Evolution Merchant
    Oriental · Amber Button
  • Osborn123

    Pathetic mc... Not only is he a weakling, but dumb too. He stood like that while letting an enemy escape, even though he has the upper hand... Clearly, without plot armor a fool like him would get killed in an instant.

    Ch 33 Rage!
    Level Up Legacy
    Fantasia · MellowGuy
  • Osborn123

    This story was going so well... and in just 2 chapters the author had to screw it all... The mc losing one of the dragons is simply a joke. Wasn't all the 3 dragons already linked with him? And was't such a bond for life? And yet the author still chose to twist the plot unrealisticaly to force the mc to wed a child... And the choice for queen is simply the worst... The mc has more than 300 years of mental age and the mentality of modern society, and yet now he acceps a child as a wive? Come on! Is he a pedophile now or what? And the problems are not just her age, but the fact that she is no beauty and has nothing to her name aside from problems. Well, that's not true, she has the dragon that she just STOLE from the mc... No matter how one looks at it, the author completely forced this ridiculous result without even bothering to pretend... Also, the mc is getting too laid back and barely does anything more in the story. This is the other reason the author is screwing it. Apparently, since the author fears letting the mc grow too fast too soon, he decided to avoid as much as possible to write about him... Sigh... What a let down...

    Ch 26 25-The Dragonwolf and The Doe
    The Dragonwolf
    Livros e literatura · Gladiusx
  • Osborn123

    And where is the mc? He appears less and less in the story...

    Ch 24 23-A Crimson Twilight
    The Dragonwolf
    Livros e literatura · Gladiusx
  • Osborn123

    Incompetent mc...

    Ch 36 Chapter 35: First Night
    Ohh Sh*t, I'm in Marvel
    Filmes · Adam001
  • Osborn123

    I feel like the mc is a bit of a retard, leaking so much information to Shield... If it wasn't for plot armor, he would have already been imprisioned by now...

    Ch 23 chapter 22: Smooth!
    Ohh Sh*t, I'm in Marvel
    Filmes · Adam001