
Review Detail of Asta_4626 in omni mythical inhuman god

Detalhe da revisão


Writing Quality: The writing feels lacking, akin to a story penned by a young child. Even my 10-year-old nephew, who has begun writing his own novels out of his love for reading, exhibits better skills. try to use chatgpt to fix this writing it very easy. Stability of Updates: It's disappointing to wait a whole year for just 47 chapters. Story Development: The protagonist is overpowered from the start, leaving no room for development. Character Design: Like the story development, the character is overpowered with no growth or depth in design. World Background: The story relies heavily on pre-existing worlds, lacking originality or depth in world-building.

omni mythical inhuman god


Curtido por 1 pessoas




the tags and synopsis doesn't tell us much


dude I don't get Pay to write so why will I'm fix my writing grammar


sorry dude your ten year old nephew don't have the responsibilities we adults have so doing something you love just don't cut it once you 18 you need a job and pay bill im work that home that all I'm will say and writing don't pay anything for me currently you can have you option everyone can but you don't like my story just don't read it it call drop it and move on


this will be the last message I'm reply to a review also the story is basically dropped I'm not writing for awhile to busy irl


I understand, but I'm just saying use ChatGPT to fix the issues, and it's free. It won't take too long to get it fixed. It will spell check and fix all errors. It's frustrating when people jump on a novel that has a good idea but isn't written by the best English speakers. I always wonder why they don't use Grammarly or ChatGPT to fix these issues, and it won't take that long. Sigh.

omnioutergod:sorry dude your ten year old nephew don't have the responsibilities we adults have so doing something you love just don't cut it once you 18 you need a job and pay bill im work that home that all I'm will say and writing don't pay anything for me currently you can have you option everyone can but you don't like my story just don't read it it call drop it and move on