
Review Detail of ASHBORN in A Marvelous Loop (Discontinued)

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The story started well until he jumped to Fate..................................................................................................

A Marvelous Loop (Discontinued)


Curtido por 30 pessoas




Even fate arc was ok, but after that is total disaster, *Sigh* he went to bleach and it end pretty badly, The Most annoying thing about MC is, he never learns, Author says he MC is not perfect, he just a normal person who was through in this situation, but even a normal person were to die these many times and to not learn a thing or not is dumb, All I can say is that start and concept was good, I think this is author's first work so I think everyone should go easy and give it a try, maybe you find its worth your time


Ugh fate




E porquê você acha isso? Fate é como qualquer outro universo, DC, Marvel etc. Eu pessoalmente adorei "ver" ele lutando com o Lancer, tentando sobreviver a ele, assim como eu adoraria ver ele lutando contra o Batman ou tendo um debate filosófico sobre Matar e Não Matar com o Bruce!




You pretty just said this is trash and then tell us to give it a try? Yea no thanks.

Greatlove:Even fate arc was ok, but after that is total disaster, *Sigh* he went to bleach and it end pretty badly, The Most annoying thing about MC is, he never learns, Author says he MC is not perfect, he just a normal person who was through in this situation, but even a normal person were to die these many times and to not learn a thing or not is dumb, All I can say is that start and concept was good, I think this is author's first work so I think everyone should go easy and give it a try, maybe you find its worth your time

thnx now I know to avoid this mistake. Never liked fate and bleach anyways.

Greatlove:Even fate arc was ok, but after that is total disaster, *Sigh* he went to bleach and it end pretty badly, The Most annoying thing about MC is, he never learns, Author says he MC is not perfect, he just a normal person who was through in this situation, but even a normal person were to die these many times and to not learn a thing or not is dumb, All I can say is that start and concept was good, I think this is author's first work so I think everyone should go easy and give it a try, maybe you find its worth your time

fate should be canceled and anyone who what anything to do with it also needs to be canceled


Random R.O.B: Oh, interesting ...then...

WIKKY:fate should be canceled and anyone who what anything to do with it also needs to be canceled

Hmm though i like some characters from fate but yeah the whole series is one big cluster fk, tbh i hate anything that has a time traveling thing because if the author dosen't do it correctly (which they mostly don't) it just pretty much the end of the novel for me.

WIKKY:fate should be canceled and anyone who what anything to do with it also needs to be canceled

If you want a good time trave story read (Mother of Learning) it’ a dam good read.

Random_0P_Being:Hmm though i like some characters from fate but yeah the whole series is one big cluster fk, tbh i hate anything that has a time traveling thing because if the author dosen't do it correctly (which they mostly don't) it just pretty much the end of the novel for me.